SCORPIO [Oct 24 - Nov 21]
The Sun and Mercury conjoin in your sign, as we kick off this forecast week, helping you uncover a vital detail in your evolutionary journey. Like a modern day Sherlock Holmes, you unmask a key finding that will prove to help you make better choices moving forward. Without this key piece, you may have taken another path, which very well could have led you down a road that turned into to nothing more than a mirage. Younger brother Mars is in Libra, in your house of hidden things and is forming a surreal angle of support to Saturn, creating the experience of something that feels like just a dream, suddenly becoming very real, something you may have wanted for a good long time. It can be a dream come true trend this week, as long as what you are energizing is grounded in something humanly, physically possible. If it was never rooted in reality, no matter how much you believed in it, it can never become true.
Your connection to the other side, and to higher help, is peaking now, so if you need some added assistance, ask away, and a team will come running!