2.3. Relationship between EI and Social Adjustment AbilityReferring to the previous researches, it was found that most researches results show a significant impact between emotional intelligence and social adjustment ability. There are only few researches which mentioned that there is no correlation between those two variables, or at least the correlation is not really significant.Adeyemo [1] and Angelberg & Sjoberg [2] explained that EI is an important aspect for children to possess the ability of a good social adjustment. Abdullah, et al. [14] conducted a research to 250 university students in University Malaysia, and the results show that social adjustment becomes the main predictor of emotional intelligence.Punia & Sangwan [15] found out that there is a positive and significant impact between EI and the students’ ability of social adjustment. Moreover, emotional intelligence also affects the students’ academic adjustment. The same conclusion is also derived from the previous researches results [1,16–18]. Those results show us that EI is indeed correlated with the student’s ability of social adjustment all this time.A same research was also conducted by Djaitawi et al. [19], involving fresh students in North Jordan as the research subject, which then resulted that emotional intelligence affects social adjustment significantly,even though the impact found in the research is not really significant. According to the research results, they suggest that trainings of EI should be held as the additional strategy in improving the students’ social adjustment and academic achievement. Researches of Mestre et al. [20] and Singh [21] also proved the mentioned hypothesis. It is also line with Herpertz et al. [22] who asserted that the ability of recognizing emotions has a positive impact on someone’s performance. In addition, Awokiyesi et al. [23] inferred that academic performance has a positive correlation with social adjustment and emotional stability.Some research results which have different conclusion were obtained from a research of Gaikward[24] which involved 147 university students of Art and Science Department. The result of the research concluded that emotional intelligence is not positively correlated with social adjustment. Even though it is not the major finding, but the reserch result of Gaikward [24] gives other researchers a marker about the different finding on the relationship between those two variables. It means that many same researches still need to conduct in order to gain various results.