Indeed TPACK offers the fields of educational technology and classroom practice a research framework for
knowledge assessments guiding pre and in service teachers. Knowledge assessment and development as well as
technology integration in classroom management are linked with effectiveness and efficient classroom practice.
Smith & Laslene (1999) identified the following factors linked with effective classroom practice namely:
The learner control system: this involves using rewards, encouragement, praise and appreciation with less
punishment or ill words due to misbehavior or act of not knowing. This could also be referred to as misuse of
words that discourage learners.
The involvement of learners: efficient and effective classroom practice should give learners a position of
responsibility to run educational activities within the classroom or outside the classroom, be it activities within
curriculum or extra curriculum.
The academic development of learners: with effective schools, making positive use of home work, setting
clear and explicit academic goals, and with teachers in these effective schools having high expectation of and
positive views of the capabilities of the learners.
The school environment and effective learning of the learners: effective teaching and learning enable
schooling of learners. Schools must provide good working conditions for learners and their teachers must be
responsive to learners’ needs and also provide buildings and other necessary instructional materials that enhance
conducive and efficient teaching and learning.
Teachers’ modesty: teachers are seen as good models of behaviour by exhibiting good time- keeping, exemplary
in conduct and always willing to deal with learners’ personal and social problems.
In order to promote classroom effectiveness with process technology (TPACK) the teacher has to a create
classroom atmosphere that is conducive for learning. Classroom atmosphere can therefore be referred to as a
situation in which activities take place during lesson time. The Ability of a teacher to manage, administer and
control various learning activities within the period that lesson takes place is called adequate classroom
management (Olatoye, 2008). This is an indication that such a teacher is effective and efficient. It is imperative
for a teacher to engage the learners’ right from the beginning of the lesson to the end because if the learners are
engaged in activities they become productive throughout the class and they learn meaningfully well Smith &
Laslene (1999); Hopkins & Antes (1990). Instructional materials or process technology or instructional media
such as charts, projector etc shall be displayed or well arranged and the necessary instruction should be written
on them to guide the usage.
Indeed TPACK offers the fields of educational technology and classroom practice a research framework for
knowledge assessments guiding pre and in service teachers. Knowledge assessment and development as well as
technology integration in classroom management are linked with effectiveness and efficient classroom practice.
Smith & Laslene (1999) identified the following factors linked with effective classroom practice namely:
The learner control system: this involves using rewards, encouragement, praise and appreciation with less
punishment or ill words due to misbehavior or act of not knowing. This could also be referred to as misuse of
words that discourage learners.
The involvement of learners: efficient and effective classroom practice should give learners a position of
responsibility to run educational activities within the classroom or outside the classroom, be it activities within
curriculum or extra curriculum.
The academic development of learners: with effective schools, making positive use of home work, setting
clear and explicit academic goals, and with teachers in these effective schools having high expectation of and
positive views of the capabilities of the learners.
The school environment and effective learning of the learners: effective teaching and learning enable
schooling of learners. Schools must provide good working conditions for learners and their teachers must be
responsive to learners’ needs and also provide buildings and other necessary instructional materials that enhance
conducive and efficient teaching and learning.
Teachers’ modesty: teachers are seen as good models of behaviour by exhibiting good time- keeping, exemplary
in conduct and always willing to deal with learners’ personal and social problems.
In order to promote classroom effectiveness with process technology (TPACK) the teacher has to a create
classroom atmosphere that is conducive for learning. Classroom atmosphere can therefore be referred to as a
situation in which activities take place during lesson time. The Ability of a teacher to manage, administer and
control various learning activities within the period that lesson takes place is called adequate classroom
management (Olatoye, 2008). This is an indication that such a teacher is effective and efficient. It is imperative
for a teacher to engage the learners’ right from the beginning of the lesson to the end because if the learners are
engaged in activities they become productive throughout the class and they learn meaningfully well Smith &
Laslene (1999); Hopkins & Antes (1990). Instructional materials or process technology or instructional media
such as charts, projector etc shall be displayed or well arranged and the necessary instruction should be written
on them to guide the usage.