Everyone may take a weapon in hand, by not everyone can use it. In such case you are warned
by the following messages:
"you cannot wield this weapon properly":
That means you don't have any skill at all to use the weapon and so you are quite harmless
with this weapon in your hands,
"this weapon is quite difficult for you":
You have some skill needed for using this weapon, but not enough. Your damage with this
weapon is penalized and you also hit less,
"you are not enough experienced to use ... properly":
You may use this weapon effectively only from a certain level. Your damage with this weapon
is penalized and you also hit less.
"you are not enough experienced to use ... properly":
You don't have a required level for this armor. If you manage to put this armor on, it may
seem it gives you the full protection (RR is shown normally), but it is in fact much lower.
The armors have three main parameters:
* armor (RR): how much it reduces received melee damage
* armor class [AC]: the resistance against penetration (armors with high RC like platemails
can block many hits completely)
- DEX penalty