Wireless multimedia communication technology is the perfect combination of wireless communication technology and multimedia technology, brings enormous business opportunities in the information industry today. In the field of communications, voice, image, video, and other communications into one service delivery as the HotSpot. This article from the actual needs of intelligent transportation systems, wireless video transmission in intelligent transportation systems research and design. The design of wireless video transmission system based on embedded Linux as a development platform, using the RTP Protocol the H.264 encoding standard, using classic c/s structure, to PcDuino Development Board as a server-side, video compression, and send;To PC machine as the client, video packets received and decompress plays, as well as the storage and playback of video. Systems to compress a video transmitted in real time to the control centre over a wireless network, then using existing decoder to extract the video and finally echoes in the QT interface. Its characteristics are better able to adapt to a variety of types of networks, as well as more efficient encodes to reliable, secure, and convenient video.