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\huaiisapp01ebra ECOMP ECO1. Box Build ECOECO from customer 2015DV0007617
Reason Code: Material Substitution/Shortage
Description: P1022366-004-08 GT800 Lower frame. A non dimensioned feature in rev V parts of the gear drive drive train is .0016 greater than current rev U production parts. Allow Jabil to purchase and use rev V parts to support the production line while the supplier determines why the feature changed and corrects it.
Explanation of Reason: Jabil will run out of parts and shut the line down on 12/12 if this DV is not implemented. An undimensioned hole of the motor idler gear on the outside wall of new rev V parts is .0016" out of parallel compared to the current rev U production parts. The calculated safety factor on the motor/idler gear is 2.27 at maximum torque loads. Engineering performed FFF testing on current rev U frames and new rev V frames. There were no differences noted in the drive train assembly. Engineering is having units built and submitted to the GZ lab for life testing as a precautionary measure.
Engineering will continue to work with the SDE and the supplier to resolve the issue. Root cause is understood and the supplier expects to fix the tool in 2 weeks time.