Grounded theory studies of a sociological nature have focused on victims of Alzheimer's disease and how families accommodate to the different stages, drug addiction in women,chronic illness, alcoholism, eating disorders, pain management,how families make decisions about placing members in a nursing home, and so on. A grounded theory study in education might focus on mainstreaming, mentoring new teachers learning with video games, classroom discipline, and many other topics. An example of a grounded study is Tina Johnston's (2008) Pushing for Privileged Passage: A Grounded Theory of Guardians of Middle Level Mathematicians. Interested in conflicts over placement into high-ability mathematics classes, Johnston collected data from parents and educators and proposed a theory called "pushing for privileged passage.” Following a breakdown of trust between parents and educators about school facets and student ability grouping in mathematics, pushing occurs. Parents try to circumvent the system using investing strategies to try to ensure their child's future success and pressuring techniques on decision makers to gain access to the advanced mathematics classes.The researcher says that those who push use strategic lobbying for program changes.