The mean fluid intake during the 1.5L/day intervention was 17ml/body weight/dayirrespective of period and during the 30ml/kg body weight/day it was 23 ml/kg bodyweight/day, also irrespective of period. The analyses in this study are based on groupsby median fluid intake, 19 ml/kg body weight/day, calculated from the whole studyperiod, regardless of the originally interventions groups. Each patient contributed withdata twice; at the end of each study period. Each patient could belong to either of thetwo groups (below or at/above median) in each study period, depending on the actual 42fluid intake of the patient during the respective period. The mean difference betweenthe below and at/above median fluid intake groups was 8 ml/kg body weight/day. Fora person with a body weight of 80 kg this means a difference in fluid intake of 640ml/day (Table 11).