Salve nn riesco a scaricare mini movie....mi dice che il mio dispositivo nn é compatibile,eppure ho un huawei ascend mate con versione android 4.2.mi potrebbe dare qualche delucidazione in merito?grazie
Hi I download mini movie .... it tells me my device nn is compatible, yet I have a huawei ascend android version 4.2 mate with me. could you give some explanation about this? thanks
Hi No I can download mini movie .... it tells me that my device nn is compatible, but I have a huawei ascend mate with Android version 4.2.mi could give some explanation on this? thanks
hello, i can't download mini movie i said my device nn is compatible, but i have a huawei ascend mate with android version 4.2.mi might give some information about it? thank you