Activities on social media, especially on the company's Facebook page, not only affect brand perception, but also brand-based user interaction affects consumers' purchase decisions (Hutter, hautz, dennhardt, & Fuller, 2013).<br>Brand fan page is a resource that enables fans to gain content, social and self-related value (Jahn & Kunz, 2012). This study focuses on the value dimension related to content, because companies can strictly control the posts ultimately published on their fan pages. Users of social networking sites and followers of fan pages look for interesting and useful content (Zhang et al., 2011; de Vries et al., 2012; Lin Lu, 2011; Shi, Chen, Zhou, 2016).<br>Green brand fans page not only provides green products, but also green awareness and green information. This study focuses on the interaction between consumers and fan pages, including the information provided by fan pages, their responses to consumer information and comments (Jahn & Kunz, 2012).<br>