Batik merupakan salah satu kreasi atau kesenian yang sudah lamaada dan menjadi salah satu warisan bangsaIndonesia yang berharga, sudah sepatutnya dijaga serta dilestarikan keberadaannya. Tanggal 2 Oktober 2009 ditetapkan batik sebagai
world heritage
oleh UNESCO dalam sidang akhir di Abu Dabhi. Antusias yang tinggi atas pengukuhan batik yang merupakan salah satu
budaya Indonesia juga dilakukan oleh sekolah-sekolah dasar dan menengah salahsatunya adalah Sekolah Dasar Laboratorium Unesa. Karakteristik dari busana batik yang dipakai oleh siswa-siswiSekolah Dasar Laboratorium Unesa adalah beragam ditinjau dari desain (bluss, dress, kemeja dan t-shirt), warna (warnaklasik, warna modern dan warna khas daerah) dan motif batik(batik klasik dan batik modern). Tujuan yang ingindicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik berbusana batik siswa-siswi, tanggapan siswa-siswidan tanggapan kepala sekolah tentang busana batik yang dipakai di Sekolah Dasar Laboratorium Unesa.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan obyek siswa-siswi Sekolah Dasar Laboratorium Unesa. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu metode lembar angket yang dilakukan oleh 63 responden danmetode wawancara oleh kepala sekolah.Proses analisis data dimulai dengan menelaah seluruh data yang tersedia dari berbagai sumber,yaitu angket dan wawancara yang sudah dituliskan dalam catatan lapangan, dokumen pribadi, gambar atau foto.Data yang sudah dikumpulkan dipresentasekan kemudian dideskripsikan dengan kata.Berdasarkan hasil presentase, didapat bahwa karakteristik busana batik yang dipakai oleh siswa-siswi SekolahDasar Laboratorium Unesa berbeda dengan sekolah dasar pada umumnya, ditinjau dari desain (39,68% desain t-shirtyang lebih disukai), warna (61,9% warna modern warn yang lebih mengarah pada warna sekunder lebih disukai dan30,16% suka dengan warna asal daerah Yogyakarta) dan motif batik (58,73% motif modern yang lebih disukai). 100%siswa-siswi suka dan sangat suka dengan penetapan berbusana batik oleh kepala sekolah yaitu ibu Dra. Endang AriadiS, M. Pd.
Kata Kunci
: Berbusana Batik Bebas, Desain, Warna, Motif
Batik is one of the creations or art that has long existed and became one of Indonesia's precious heritage, has been duly maintained and preserved its existence. Dated October 2, 2009 set batik asworld heritage by the UNESCO inthe final session in Abu Dabhi. High enthusiasm of the inaugural Batik is one of Indonesian cultural icon was also made by the elementary schools and the middle one of which is the Laboratory Elementary School Unesa. Characteristics of batik clothing worn by students Unesa Laboratory Elementary School is diverse in terms of design (bluss, dress, shirtsand t-shirts), color (color classic, modern colors and color typical of the region) and batik (batik classic and modern batik). The objectives of this research is to investigate the characteristics of the students dress batik, students responsesand responses of principals used in batik clothing Elementary School Unesa Laboratory.This research is quantitative descriptive object Elementary School students Unesa Laboratory. Method is amethod of data collection conducted by the 63 questionnaire respondents and interviews by the principal. Data analysis process started by studying all data obtained from many source, that were questionnaire and interview that wrote in fieldnote, private documentation, picture or photograph. Data already collectedpresentedthen described with words.Based on a percentage, obtained that the characteristics of batik clothing worn by students of different UnesaLaboratory Elementary School with elementary schools in general, in terms of design (39.68% t-shirt design which is preferred), color (61.9% color The preferred modern and 30.16% like the original color of the Yogyakarta area) and batik (58.73% preferred modern motif).100% students liked and really like batik dress with a determination by theschool principal mother Dra. Ariadi Endang S, M. Pd.
: Dressed in Batik Free, Designs, Colors, Motif
蜡染是一种创造性的或艺术,已经是 lamaada 和 bangsaIndonesia 遗产之一是有价值的它应该守护和维持它的存在。2009 年 10 月 2 日蜡染定义世界遗产教科文组织在尾盘出现在 Abu Dabhi。热情的高就职蜡染是之一图标印尼亦会由学校小学和中学 salahsatunya 小学文化是公司的实验室。特色的蜡染衣服穿的学生基本实验室 siswiSekolah Unesa 是从设计 (bluss、 裙子、 衬衫和 t 恤),颜色多样 (warnaklasik,现代颜色和颜色典型的区域) 和蜡染 (蜡染蜡染经典和现代) 的主题。Ingindicapai 在这项研究的目的是要知道特色蜡染服饰学生、 学生反应 siswidan 答复关于蜡染衣服穿在实验室小学 Unesa.这项研究主要是定量描述性研究与实验室小学学生对象公司。数据收集方法床单现在 63 受访者,由学校的校长进行的 calledannualization 法和访谈法。在过程开始时与数据分析检查的整个的可用数据,从各种来源,即现在和面试都已经写在备注字段、 个人文件、 图片或照片。数据已收集到的 dipresentasekan 然后描述用词。基于获得的结果,这一比例特征蜡染所穿的衣服由 SekolahDasar 公司不同实验室与小学学生一般情况下,在设计方面 (39.68%设计 t shirtyang 是首选),颜色 (61.9%颜色的颜色,然后更现代导致首选的辅助颜色 dan30,像日惹的原始颜色的 16%) 和蜡染图案 (58.73%现代图案是首选)。100%的学生喜欢,真的喜欢蜡染服饰以指定由学校,即 Dra 团长。恩当 AriadiS,M.Pd。关键字: 设计,颜色,图案蜡染服装摘要Batik is one of the creations or art that has long existed and became one of Indonesia's precious heritage, has been duly maintained and preserved its existence. Dated October 2, 2009 set batik asworld heritage by the UNESCO inthe final session in Abu Dabhi. High enthusiasm of the inaugural Batik is one of Indonesian cultural icon was also made by the elementary schools and the middle one of which is the Laboratory Elementary School Unesa. Characteristics of batik clothing worn by students Unesa Laboratory Elementary School is diverse in terms of design (bluss, dress, shirtsand t-shirts), color (color classic, modern colors and color typical of the region) and batik (batik classic and modern batik). The objectives of this research is to investigate the characteristics of the students dress batik, students responsesand responses of principals used in batik clothing Elementary School Unesa Laboratory.This research is quantitative descriptive object Elementary School students Unesa Laboratory. Method is amethod of data collection conducted by the 63 questionnaire respondents and interviews by the principal. Data analysis process started by studying all data obtained from many source, that were questionnaire and interview that wrote in fieldnote, private documentation, picture or photograph. Data already collectedpresentedthen described with words.Based on a percentage, obtained that the characteristics of batik clothing worn by students of different UnesaLaboratory Elementary School with elementary schools in general, in terms of design (39.68% t-shirt design which is preferred), color (61.9% color The preferred modern and 30.16% like the original color of the Yogyakarta area) and batik (58.73% preferred modern motif).100% students liked and really like batik dress with a determination by theschool principal mother Dra. Ariadi Endang S, M. Pd.关键字: 穿着蜡染免费、 设计、 颜色、 图案