时间序列用平均值显示已删除和价值向左边的表示垂直轴作为 y: 0 @ [值]。此外表明是均方根 ("s") 的一系列关于意思是。时间 (X-) 轴被标记为以小时和分钟 (表示 hh: mm),但没有重置为如果该系列超过午夜为零。除非选中显示边际,显示将包括只有那些加权在溶液中的意见。连续由连接的每个点的线条表示意见 (无间隙)。时代数目通过点击点,可以显示任意点。额外的偏见的存在参数被表示由竖线,附以指示 (在单一的"信号灯"或增加一倍的差异),satellite(s) 和站有偏压的旗帜 ;例如地点由信号到左边 (站 1) 或向右 (站 2) (内存工具: 站在地球上横向分隔) ;卫星信号在(卫星 1) 底部或顶部 (2) (卫星上升,或设置垂直) 的卫星。当在屏幕、 顶部和底部的菜单板上绘制一个或多个时间序列更改显示以下内容:(除了前两个) 的底部面板中的框来控制显示的情节。最有用的命令是跨度。切换上,它会自动扩展和合同水平轴以适应所显示的时间序列。切换上后选择range of points on the screen (by simply clicking on any of the displayed plots), it adjuststhe horizontal scale to fit the span selected. Toggled on after selecting a single point, itexpands the scale and moves the selected point to the center of the screen. ALL returns thehorizontal scale to the complete interval of the session. The next two boxes (<>and >>T<<) directly expand or contract the time axis. The final two boxes (<< and >>)move the origin to the left or right, expanding the time scale if appropriate. For short(e.g., 225-point) series, the same effect can be accomplished with any one of severaldifferent selections of these six boxes. The seventh box is a toggle between showingMARGINAL (unweighted) points and hiding them. Toggled on [*], unweighted points aredisplayed as open circles or, if they were unweighted because they were below theelevation cutoff, as open squares. At present CVIEW does not distinguish betweenslightly and grossly bad residuals, so that with marginals displayed the vertical scale isoften distorted, masking variations in weighted points. The HIDE box is a toggle betweenhiding or not the bias flags that occur in one-way observations that fall in gaps in thedouble-difference combination being displayed (SOLVE will remember the flags andinsert an extra bias parameter in the solution; we term these "pushed" biases.) ABORTquits the plot with no changes to the series; SAVE quits and saves any editing that has been done to that series.