James arrived at half past seven and was in an obvious panic
to get dressed and made up. At ten to eight I was waiting in the
wings for James. James arrived and told me to get into a bag he
had brought. I stepped into the bag and James drew it up my body
and over my head. The draw-string in the mouth of the bag was
drawn and I felt James manipulating the bag. After two minutes I
felt as loose and slack as a rag-doll. The mouth of the bag was
open and a hand grabbed me round the chest. It was then to my
horror I realized I WAS a rag-doll. He slipped me into
his jacket pocket and walked on stage to await the curtain.
While I waited, I explored the bodily sensations. The usual
tingle I get did not seem to be as intense as usual and I could
feel the fabric of the inside of James' pocket against my exposed
flesh. I could also feel that my skin did not feel like skin, but
like cotton stuffed with flock. The crease where my thighs were
folded, so my feet point backwards over each shoulder, was like
the pain of a headache when the pain-killers have not quite
kicked in.
I knew when the show had started as the bright lights were
visible out of the top of the pocket. His patter made it obvious
to me that he started by performing one of the many small feats
of sleight of hand he knew. After about five minutes during which
the audience laughed, they applauded and James bowed.