The Phylomemetic Tree of Indonesian Batik Motif.
As in genetics, the phylomemetic tree (in genetics: phylogenetic) is constructed by having the sequence of memes (in genetics: gene) representing the traits emerging the motif as we see. The sequences, we call it memeplexes, are thus aligned and we can calculate the homology between a motif to another statistically. The detailed statistical methodology for searching the memes in the alignments is explained in [5] covering the fractal [3] dimensions (as the geometric properties of the ornamentation and decoration incorporated) and the distribution of primary colors used in producing the craft. From the variables obtained in the two computational observations and calculations we can fill the memeplexes emanating from each artifact. The method of the phylomemetic tree construction is based upon the correlations transformed into distances in ultrametric spaces among memeplexes as it has been discussed in [4] and [5].