Likewise, it is important to note that glass is the only material that uses color to segregate what is recycled<br>and what is not. These colors are recyclable: amber, clear, green and light pink. These colors are not: white, opal white and any additional shades not mentioned elsewhere, as well as mirrored glass.<br>Glass is also heavy, compared to plastic. As Going Zero Waste noted, transportation costs and the amount of carbon released can go up with the shipping of glass.<br>Bioplastic/Compostable Materials<br>Biodegradable plastic made from polylactic acid (PLA) and other bio-type materials sound promising. However, PLA doesn’t appear to degrade under any measurable criteria in 365 days<br>in a simulated marine environment complete with sand, microbiota and 30°C temperature.<br>For example, a Cal Recycle publication noted one studyh in which plastic poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co- 3-hydroxyvalerate (PHBV) and PLA