Kalian udah punya LIVE DVD/Blu-ray? (°▽°) di disk 2 ada pas offshot di Kanada, kalo kalian sadar ga ada akunya disitu. Banyak bgt kerjaan jadi pas ada waktu liburan aku cuma diem di hotel sambil main bass. (lol)
You guys've got LIVE DVD/Blu-ray? (° ▽ °) on the disk there are 2 fitting offshot in Canada, if you guys are aware there he admits it. Many bgt TODO so fitting there is holiday time I'm just diem at the hotel while playing bass. (lol)
You already have a LIVE DVD / Blu-ray? (° ▽ °) on disk 2 is fitted offshot in Canada, if you are aware ga he admits there. Many work so fitting bgt no vacation time I just diem at the hotel while playing bass. (Lol)