In particular, L. plantarum species was identified at 10, 16, 22, and 28 days after the start
of alcoholic fermentation, whereas O. oeni was detected only after 16 days, suggesting that, initially, the predominant LAB population in wine samples was mainly L. plantarum species. The DGGE profiles were in accordance with plate count analysis. Colony-forming units (CFU) mL)1 increased from 4 to 28 days in both samples A and B. However, the CFU mL)1 recovered was always lower in sample treated with K2S2O5, and a decrease in DGGE fragment intensities, mainly corresponding to L. plantarum species, was observed 28 days after the start of alcoholic fermentation in sample supplemented with bacterial starter and treated with K2S2O5 (Fig. 1C). Nevertheless, L. plantarum was still detected by PCR-rpoB/DGGE.