determination of PR content in the nanoemulsions (Extractionrecovery) and entrapment efficiencyNanoemulsions have been widely researched as active ingredient delivery vehicles inbiotechnological and biomedical areas due to their unique characteristics such as high stability andsatisfactory delivery properties [23-25]. In our case nanoemulsion systems have been prepared forthe application of PR. The extraction method proposed in this research involved dissolution of thecolloidal dispersions (nanoemulsions) by acetonitrile [26]. High degrees of extraction of PR fromnanoemulsions (97.07%, 96.64% and 103.54%) have been achieved, and the RSD values were smallerthan 2% (Table IV). These extraction recovery results demonstrate that the extraction of PR is effective, consistent and reproducible [27]. This extraction procedure could also be used inquantification of other acetonitrile-dissolvable substance