Education is to develop the faculties in mankind. A baby seeks for material comforts alone, but a child begins to understand the difference between right and wrong, beauty and ugliness. Education,therefore, teaches a child to prefer good and stay away from evil. It chooses for the young the work suitable for them and enables them to carry out the work.Besides being trained mentally at school, a child should be permitted to take up a hobby. If he has a fondness for music, let him develop his music talent. A child who is interested in maths, physics, chemistry or science may one day become an engineer, a physician or a scientist. The aim of education is to prepare for a child his true vocation in life.Education teaches a child to realize that he is not thrown into the world by chance, but he has his part to play. He will devote his energy and time to learn what is useful to himself and to society at large. When an educated child grows up, he will be a pleasant company in society and a welcome assistant to any branch of profession, because he is responsible, modest, unselfish and open-minded.Education, therefore, is practical preparation for the young people in the battle of life.Education tends to give people valuable assistance for the discipline of their children whose future lives, to a large extent, depend on the moral discipline they received in early childhood. It is needless to say that the first foundation of education in a child cannot be well laid by ignorant parents.Man’s education should never stop, instead it should strive for perfection. To secure such result,people have to read more, for “Reading makes a full man” as a proverb has suggested.