NOTE: Patient sample red cell indices (Wintrobe indices or MCV, MCH, MCHC) should be
monitored routinely to detect random errors, instrument malfunction, or spurious results.
If semiautomated methods are used, indices should be calculated. On many automated
instruments, the MCHC is the most useful parameter to ensure accuracy of the red cell
parameters in individual patient samples. Since MCHC varies over a narrow range, an abnormal
MCHC will often flag potentially spurious red cell parameters. Truly elevated MCHCs may be
seen with spherocytosis, while decreased MCHCs can accompany a low MCV in severe iron
deficiency anemia. If such RBC abnormalities are not present on the blood film, one or more
of the measured RBC parameters is likely erroneous. Incorrect data may be due to instrument
malfunction or to problems with the blood sample itself. Some examples include: spuriously
elevated MCVs and MCHCs with cold agglutinins, falsely elevated MCHCs with lipemia and
plasma paraproteins, spuriously low MCHCs with leukocytosis and osmotic effects such as
hyperglycemia altering MCV. MCV and MCH are fairly constant for each patient, and monitoring
these indices in a delta check error detection program may provide rapid patient-based detection
of instrument malfunction or specimen misidentification.
Evidence of Compliance:
✓ Written procedure defining the criteria used to monitor the red cell indices to detect random
errors AND
✓ Record of action taken when RBC indices are in question, including the reporting of results
NOTE: Patient sample red cell indices (Wintrobe indices or MCV, MCH, MCHC) should bemonitored routinely to detect random errors, instrument malfunction, or spurious results.If semiautomated methods are used, indices should be calculated. On many automatedinstruments, the MCHC is the most useful parameter to ensure accuracy of the red cellparameters in individual patient samples. Since MCHC varies over a narrow range, an abnormalMCHC will often flag potentially spurious red cell parameters. Truly elevated MCHCs may beseen with spherocytosis, while decreased MCHCs can accompany a low MCV in severe irondeficiency anemia. If such RBC abnormalities are not present on the blood film, one or moreof the measured RBC parameters is likely erroneous. Incorrect data may be due to instrumentmalfunction or to problems with the blood sample itself. Some examples include: spuriouslyelevated MCVs and MCHCs with cold agglutinins, falsely elevated MCHCs with lipemia andplasma paraproteins, spuriously low MCHCs with leukocytosis and osmotic effects such ashyperglycemia altering MCV. MCV and MCH are fairly constant for each patient, and monitoringthese indices in a delta check error detection program may provide rapid patient-based detectionof instrument malfunction or specimen misidentification.Evidence of Compliance:✓ Written procedure defining the criteria used to monitor the red cell indices to detect random错误和✓ 记录时红细胞指数有问题,包括报告的结果而采取的行动