Dreams are not just a product of the processing of information that our brain conducts while we sleep. It is from dreams that some of the greatest inventions have become a reality.
Take for example the famous chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, it was in his dream that he figured out how to place all the elements on a periodical table. Srinivasa Ramanujan discovered thousands of mathematical equations (方程式)from his dreams. Rene Descartes, the man who built much of the framework of the modem scientific method mentioned that the basis of the method came to him in a dream.
These are just a few examples of how people got the answers to some of the most complex questions from their dreams. Our subconscious mind is constantly trying to give us answers to questions we may struggle with, and many of these answers come to us in the form of dreams. Did you know that an average human being has about 6 dreams per night? However, most of us may struggle with recalling them.
There is a very simple exercise that can help you recall your dreams. Before going to bed, for at least 24 days (It takes around 24 days to form a habit), keep telling yourself that “1 will remember all my dreams”. At first, you may not see any results at all, but don’t be alarmed by that. Just keep doing it. After a while you will notice that vague memories of your dreams will linger (继续存留)in your mind when you wake up. These may fade away after a while, so make a note of it on your mobile phone or in a book. As you continue to do this, you will notice that it’s not just one dream that comes back to you but a number of dreams.
Now the fun doesn’t just stop there. Try to understand what your dreams mean; see if it applies to something that is happening in your everyday life. Many of the problems we struggle with have already
been solved in our amazing mind. It is all locked away in our subconsciousness waiting to be discovered. These answers come to us in the form of dreams.