• Cleaning should be conducted prior to the line being set up
• Cleaning should be conducted after the production line clearance (after manufacture)
• Ensure all equipment and tools brought into the manufacturing rooms are cleaned
• Define by name the detergent and disinfection agent(s) to be used for each activity and ensure only appropriate detergents/disinfection agents are used related to the area, activity or equipment concerned
• Define the strength of detergent/disinfection agent to be used for cleaning/disinfection activities, the type of diluent to be used e.g. potable water and the temperature of the diluent e.g. ‘room temperature’ (25oC) or ‘hot’ (60 – 80oC)
• Ensure the detergent that will be used is safe for use and the process
• Define the method of detergent/disinfection manufacture including the utensils to be used and the containers the diluted detergent/disinfection agent is to be stored in
• Ensure only potable water of a suitable quality is used as a diluent
• Ensure that only clean utensils, receptacles and cleaning tools are used and replace immediately if damage is noted
• Ensure that detergent/disinfection manufacturing activities are only performed in the appropriate designated area
• Ensure that concentrated detergents/disinfection solutions and diluted solutions are stored in a secure and appropriate area when not required for use
• Define the length of time that the ‘diluted’ detergent or sanitizer can be stored/used
• Define what labelling requirements are required for the diluted detergent/sanitizer e.g. Identity, date manufactured, date of expiry and signature of operator manufacturing detergent/disinfection agent
• Define the areas to be cleaned, the frequency of cleaning and the cleaning technique and equipment to be used
• Ensure that the cleaning equipment is dedicated to the room or activity
• Cleaning instructions should include a definition of critical or most difficult to clean areas and the method or technique to be used e.g. mopping, sweeping, vacuuming or wiping
• Record cleaning activities in a permanent record to including a description of the area cleaned, the date of cleaning, the detergent/disinfection agent being used and the operator responsible.
• Ensure a secondary check is performed that the cleaning activity has been performed correctly and accurately recorded
• Consider selection of a minimum of two disinfection agents and rotate use on a weekly basis to minimise resistance of microorganisms
• Ensure all equipment is rinsed thoroughly to remove traces of detergent using potable water of a suitable quality and ensure equipment is thoroughly dried prior to use
• Ensure that all the residual detergent is not remaining on the cleaning surfaces that can contaminate the product
• Dispose of cleaning water residues and rinse water or detergent by appropriate permitted means to avoid contamination of local water ways. This should not be using the same sink used to clean hands by the operators
• Wear appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) when performing cleaning or detergent/disinfection solution manufacturing activities
• Cleaning should be conducted prior to the line being set up • Cleaning should be conducted after the production line clearance (after manufacture)• Ensure all equipment and tools brought into the manufacturing rooms are cleaned • Define by name the detergent and disinfection agent(s) to be used for each activity and ensure only appropriate detergents/disinfection agents are used related to the area, activity or equipment concerned• Define the strength of detergent/disinfection agent to be used for cleaning/disinfection activities, the type of diluent to be used e.g. potable water and the temperature of the diluent e.g. ‘room temperature’ (25oC) or ‘hot’ (60 – 80oC)• Ensure the detergent that will be used is safe for use and the process• Define the method of detergent/disinfection manufacture including the utensils to be used and the containers the diluted detergent/disinfection agent is to be stored in• Ensure only potable water of a suitable quality is used as a diluent• Ensure that only clean utensils, receptacles and cleaning tools are used and replace immediately if damage is noted• Ensure that detergent/disinfection manufacturing activities are only performed in the appropriate designated area• Ensure that concentrated detergents/disinfection solutions and diluted solutions are stored in a secure and appropriate area when not required for use• Define the length of time that the ‘diluted’ detergent or sanitizer can be stored/used• Define what labelling requirements are required for the diluted detergent/sanitizer e.g. Identity, date manufactured, date of expiry and signature of operator manufacturing detergent/disinfection agent• Define the areas to be cleaned, the frequency of cleaning and the cleaning technique and equipment to be used • Ensure that the cleaning equipment is dedicated to the room or activity• Cleaning instructions should include a definition of critical or most difficult to clean areas and the method or technique to be used e.g. mopping, sweeping, vacuuming or wiping • Record cleaning activities in a permanent record to including a description of the area cleaned, the date of cleaning, the detergent/disinfection agent being used and the operator responsible. • Ensure a secondary check is performed that the cleaning activity has been performed correctly and accurately recorded• Consider selection of a minimum of two disinfection agents and rotate use on a weekly basis to minimise resistance of microorganisms• Ensure all equipment is rinsed thoroughly to remove traces of detergent using potable water of a suitable quality and ensure equipment is thoroughly dried prior to use• Ensure that all the residual detergent is not remaining on the cleaning surfaces that can contaminate the product• Dispose of cleaning water residues and rinse water or detergent by appropriate permitted means to avoid contamination of local water ways. This should not be using the same sink used to clean hands by the operators• Wear appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) when performing cleaning or detergent/disinfection solution manufacturing activities