In regard to the descriptive statistics of the participants’ scores for the 4 Journal of Studies in Social Sciences 238 factors including emotional labor, variety of emotions, requirements for emotional expression, surface emotional actions, and deep-level emotional actions, the average score of “requirements for emotional expression” was the highest (M=5.20 and SD=.67), followed by “variety of emotions” (M=4.99 and SD=.74) and “deep-level emotional actions” (M=4.88 and SD=.71), and the average score of “surface emotional actions” was the lowest (M=4.42 and SD=.78). The preschool teachers’ scores for all 4 emotional labor factors were all high. This means that their emotional labor load is high. Most notably, the “requirements for emotional expression” was the heaviest emotional load for the preschool teachers. The kurtosis (.080) of “deep-level emotional actions” was nearly 0. The skewness of “surface emotional actions” was -.190, which means the distribution was symmetric.