where l indexes location (e.g., blocks, block groups, and tracts) around bankrupt establishment p,that belongs to bankrupt firm i. The year of the bankruptcy filing is t and k defines the industry13of the bankrupt firm. The main dependent variable Yl,t+m is the annualized percentage change inemployment at the location l of the bankrupt establishment (excluding employment of the bankruptestablishment itself) in the m years following the bankruptcy filing year. In most of the analysis wewill focus on the 5 years after the bankruptcy filing.13 In most specifications, we also examine thechange in number of establishments, which is similarly defined as the percent change from its level inthe year of the bankruptcy filing.14 Liquidationpit is a dummy variable equal to one if establishmentp belongs to a company i whose Chapter 11 filing (in year t) is converted into Chapter 7 liquidation.The decision of whether the case is converted to Chapter 7 liquidation or remains in Chapter 11reorganization is typically taken in the bankruptcy filing year.15 Xlpit is a vector of pre-bankruptcycharacteristics at the establishment, firm, and location level.16 We further include 2-digit NAICSindustry fixed effects to account for unobserved heterogeneity at the industry level. The coefficientof interest is , which captures the local externalities of liquidation relative to reorganization.