CAPRICORN [Dec 22 - Jan 19]
The very last thing a Cappy ever wants to feel is un-directed and foggy on the path. You pride yourself in having a plan and when things become unclear, it can create a degree of vulnerability that you would prefer to avoid. A Super Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces, on Tuesday, March 8, is receiving a square from your ruler Saturn, suggesting you may not be feeling in control of how life is unfolding, you may also have many balls in the air and several choices in front of you, which is making it difficult not only to prioritize your time, but causing you to feel very spread thin. The next two weeks may feel to be all over the place, which will force you to surrender to the moment for now. Much will be shown to you, as a result of the chaos that may ensue, or a circuitous route that you may need to take. It will be on this alternative path that you discover where your Soul needs to be, as Saturn is connecting with precision to radical Uranus. The universe is pushing you to grow and yet also to let go of any preconceived plans or notions. It is time to let the invisible world lead, for they have the full view and are prepared to show you a thing or two.
Sit back and receive!