Favorable behavioral intentions. Certain behaviors signal that customers are forging bonds with a company. When customers praise the firm, express preference for the company over others, increase the volume of their purchases, or agreeably pay a price premium, they are indicating behaviorally that they are bonding with the company. Recent research offers some evidence that customer satisfaction and/or service-quality perceptions positively affect intentions to hehave in these ways. However, most of the research operationalizes behavioral intentions in a unidimensional way rather than delineate specific types of behavior. For example. Cronin and Taylor (1992), using a single-item purchase-intention scale, find a positive correlation with service quality and custotner satisfaction. Anderson and Sullivan (1990). in analyzing data from a study of customer satisfaction among Swedish consumers, find that stated repurchase intention is strongly related to stated satisfaction across product categories. A study conducted hy Woodside. Frey, and Daly (1989) uncovers a significant association between overall patient satisfaction and intent to choose the hospital again