3.1 Online query for relevant publicationsWe sampled publications that we found in the five most common scientific online databases in the fields of computer science, information systems, and management: ACM, EBSCO, IEEE, SpringerLink, and Wiley Online Library. The rationale behind the choice of those five databases was to retrieve research contributions from the interdisciplinary area where management science and computer science/information overlap. First, we explored the five online databases for publications containing the phrases ‘location-based marketing’ and ‘location-based advertising’ in the full text. To obtain a wide bandwidth of results, we also performed search queries for the following terms: ‘Location-based marketing’, ‘location-based advertising’, ‘targetedadvertising’, ‘personalized advertising’, ‘location tracking’, and ‘context aware advertising’. We added the terms ‘mobile’ or ‘smartphone’ for each of the selected terms in order to retrieve publications that consider LBA on mobile devices only.