Males and females are shown to be biological different in using technologies anddealing with their relationships with others (Lin & Yu, 2008). Stafford and Canary (1991)concluded that gender is one of the determinants affecting the relational maintenance. Genderis also found to influence adolescents to develop intimate relationships and family cohesion(Roming & Bakken, 1992). Gender also shows different patterns in the uses of technologyin terms of usage and content on the Internet Gross (2004). Furthermore, the parent’s role inthe family also plays a part in influencing the children (Shin & Kang, 2016). For instance,the mother has more authority than the father in a family as they always influence thechildren’s behavior based on the standpoint of protection and nursing care and are moreoften to be rejected by her children (Golish, 2000). The dyads relationships between parents