(a) It is in the best interests of the consumer; and(b) Reasonable ste的中文翻譯

(a) It is in the best interests of

(a) It is in the best interests of the consumer; and
(b) Reasonable steps have been taken to ascertain the views of the consumer; and
(c) Either, —
(i) If the consumer’s views have been ascertained, and having regard to those views, the provider believes, on reasonable grounds, that the provision of the services is consistent with the informed choice the consumer would make if he or she were competent; or
(ii) If the consumer’s views have not been ascertained, the provider takes into account the views of other suitable persons who are interested in the welfare of the consumer and available to advise the provider.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
(a) 它是消费者的最感兴趣;和(b) 合理采取确定的消费者; 看法和(c) 或者,— —(i) 如果消费者的意见,已确定,并考虑到这些意见,供应商认为,基于合理的理由,提供的服务是符合知情选择消费者会使他或她是主管;或(ii) 如果消费者的意见有没有得到确定,该提供程序会考虑其它适当人士感兴趣的消费者福利和可用劝该提供程序的意见。
結果 (中文) 2:[復制]
(一)它是消费者的最佳利益; 和
(二)已采取合理步骤以确定消费者的意见; 和
(C)不是, -
(一)如果消费者的意见已经查清,并考虑到这些意见,供应商认为,合理理由的服务的提供与知情选择的消费者会做出是否一致他或她是胜任; 或
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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