Glove {shoes|footwear|sneakers} or {body|physique} {shoes|footwear|sne的繁體中文翻譯

Glove {shoes|footwear|sneakers} or

Glove {shoes|footwear|sneakers} or {body|physique} {shoes|footwear|sneakers} are glove like {running shoes|trainers} that mimic {the feeling|the sensation} that your {feet|ft|toes} would {experience|expertise}, {if you|should you|when you|in the event you|in case you|for those who|if you happen to} {were|have been|had been} {walking|strolling} barefoot. It helps you {walk|stroll} in {a manner|a fashion|a way} {that is|that's} {more|extra} {natural|pure}, and improves your {abilities|talents|skills} at {activities|actions} like {running|operating|working}, jogging, yoga, {etc|and so on|and so forth|and many others}.
After {landing|touchdown} {and several|and a number of other|and several other} {meetings|conferences} with senior Thai {management|administration}, who spoke English {well|properly|nicely|effectively} {enough|sufficient}, I headed out the door and down {the facility|the power|the ability}’s {main|primary|major|principal|most important|foremost|fundamental|essential|important|predominant} hallway to the {meeting|assembly} room {where|the place} {I would|I might|I'd} do {the first|the primary} day orientation for {the folks|the parents|the oldsters} who would {actually|truly|really} be {running|operating|working} {the children|the youngsters|the kids}’s programming {on a daily basis|each day|every day}; {college|school|faculty} educated PE {people|individuals|folks}. {I was|I used to be} prepped {and prepared|and ready} {materials|supplies} in hand imagining my {positive|constructive|optimistic} imaging message �?let’s get psyched {we have|we now have|we've|we have now|we've got|now we have} {important|essential|necessary|vital} work to do! I walked down the {hall|corridor} with Sompit, the Thai {owner|proprietor}, and heading into the {conference|convention} room she says, “Now don’t {talk|speak|discuss} too {fast|quick}.
{Running|Operating|Working} Sport {Shoes|Footwear|Sneakers} �?{if you are|in case you are|if you're} runner then your footwear {really|actually} {is very important|is essential}. {Running|Operating|Working} {puts|places} {pressure|strain|stress} {on your|in your} legs and knees, {especially|particularly} {if you are|in case you are|if you're} {running|operating|working} on {hard|exhausting|onerous|arduous|laborious} surfaces {such as|similar to|corresponding to|comparable to|akin to|reminiscent of|resembling|equivalent to} concrete roads and pavements. {Running shoes|Trainers} are padded and have {quite|fairly} a heel on them to cushion your {feet|ft|toes} from the {impact|influence|impression|affect} of {the floor|the ground}. {Instead|As an alternative|As a substitute} of your foot smacking down on {the floor|the ground} which causes {injury|damage|harm} the {running|operating|working} shoe absorbs the brunt of it so your legs and knees {feel|really feel} {very little|little or no} or nothing {at all|in any respect}. {Running shoes|Trainers} give them that {extra|additional|further} {security|safety} so your ankles {don't|do not} {hurt|harm|damage} {the next|the subsequent|the following} day.
{The next|The subsequent|The following} {thing|factor} {to consider|to think about|to contemplate} is {the cost|the price|the fee|the associated fee}. {It can|It could|It could possibly|It may|It may possibly|It might|It could actually|It will probably|It will possibly|It may well|It might probably} {vary|differ|range|fluctuate} {a great|an excellent|a fantastic|an incredible|a terrific|an awesome|an ideal|an amazing|an important} deal {depending|relying} on {many different|many various|many alternative} {factors|elements|components}. {But|However} one {thing|factor} is for {sure|positive|certain}, the {more|extra} {professional|skilled} a shoe is, {the bigger|the larger} {the price|the worth|the value}. If {running|operating|working} is {important|essential|necessary|vital} to you, {it's|it is} {better|higher} {to give|to offer|to provide|to present} {more|extra} for {a good|a great|an excellent|a superb|a very good} pair of {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {which can|which may|which might} {last longer|last more} than {to buy|to purchase} a cheep pair. In {the long run|the long term}, {it's|it is} {better|higher} to pay {more|extra}, {just|simply} {pick|decide|choose} the pair that feels {the best|one of the best|the most effective|the perfect|the very best}. {There are many|There are lots of|There are numerous|There are various|There are a lot of} good {quality|high quality} {stores|shops}, most of {which will|which can|which is able to} {allow you to|let you|permit you to|will let you|can help you|assist you to|help you|mean you can} {exchange|trade|change|alternate} the shoe for {up to|as much as} a month.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
手套 {shoes|footwear|sneakers} 或 {body|physique} {shoes|footwear|sneakers} 是手套喜歡 {運行 shoes|trainers} {feeling|the 感覺} 模仿,你的 {feet|ft|toes} {experience|expertise} {如果還 you|when you|in 事件 you|in 案例 you|for 你可能會屬於那些 who|if} {were|have been|had 被} {walking|strolling} 赤腳。它可以説明你 {walk|stroll} {manner|a fashion|a 方式} {那 is|that 的} {more|extra} {natural|pure},並提高您 {abilities|talents|skills},{activities|actions} {running|operating|working},像慢跑,瑜伽,{etc|and 如此進行如此 forth|and 許多其他}。後 {landing|touchdown} {several|and other|and 的數目和其他幾個} {meetings|conferences} 與高級泰國 {management|administration},{well|properly|nicely|effectively} {enough|sufficient} 英語說得,我走出了門,到 {meeting|assembly} 房間 {where|the 地方} {facility|the power|the 能力} {main|primary|major|principal|most important|foremost|fundamental|essential|important|predominant} 走廊 {我 would|我 might|我會} {folks|the parents|the 老年人} {first|the 初級} 做一天定位誰會 {actually|truly|really} 是 {running|operating|working} {children|the youngsters|the 孩子} 的程式設計 {日日常 basis|each day|every} ;{college|school|faculty} 教育體育 {people|individuals|folks}。{我 was|用於} 準備 {和 prepared|and 準備} {materials|supplies} 牽手想像我 {positive|constructive|optimistic} 的影像學資訊嗎? 讓自己興奮 {我們 have|we 現在 have|we've|we 有過我們的 got|now 的 now|we} {important|essential|necessary|vital} 的工作要做 !泰國 {owner|proprietor},{hall|corridor} 與 Sompit,下來走了和標題 {conference|convention} 進屋,她說,"現在不要太 {talk|speak|discuss} {fast|quick}。{連環數運算Operating|工作} 體育 {Shoes|Footwear|運動鞋} 嗎?{如果你 are|in 案例你 are|if 你} 轉輪然後你的鞋子 {really|actually} {是非常 important|is 必不可少}。{連環數運算Operating|工作} {puts|places} {pressure|strain|stress} {your|in 上你} 的雙腿和膝蓋,{especially|particularly} {如果你 are|in 案例你 are|if 你} {running|operating|working} {hard|exhausting|onerous|arduous|laborious} {這種 as|similar to|corresponding to|comparable to|akin to|reminiscent of|resembling|equivalent 向} 表面混凝土道路和人行道上。{運行 shoes|教員} 填充,並且有他們來緩衝你 {feet|ft|toes} {floor|the 地面} {impact|influence|impression|affect} 從腳跟 {quite|fairly}。{Instead|作為 alternative|作為替代} 的你腳拍打下來地上 {floor|the} 致使 {injury|damage|harm} {running|operating|working} 鞋所以吸收它的衝擊你的雙腿和膝蓋 {feel|really 感覺} {很 little|little 或無} 或什麼 {在任何尊重在 all|in}。{運行 shoes|的私人教練} 給他們那 {extra|additional|further} {security|safety} 所以你的腳踝 {唐 ' t|do 不} {hurt|harm|damage} {next|the subsequent|the 以下} 天。{The next|The subsequent|The following} {thing|factor} {to consider|to think about|to contemplate} is {the cost|the price|the fee|the associated fee}. {It can|It could|It could possibly|It may|It may possibly|It might|It could actually|It will probably|It will possibly|It may well|It might probably} {vary|differ|range|fluctuate} {a great|an excellent|a fantastic|an incredible|a terrific|an awesome|an ideal|an amazing|an important} deal {depending|relying} on {many different|many various|many alternative} {factors|elements|components}. {But|However} one {thing|factor} is for {sure|positive|certain}, the {more|extra} {professional|skilled} a shoe is, {the bigger|the larger} {the price|the worth|the value}. If {running|operating|working} is {important|essential|necessary|vital} to you, {it's|it is} {better|higher} {to give|to offer|to provide|to present} {more|extra} for {a good|a great|an excellent|a superb|a very good} pair of {shoes|footwear|sneakers} {which can|which may|which might} {last longer|last more} than {to buy|to purchase} a cheep pair. In {the long run|the long term}, {it's|it is} {better|higher} to pay {more|extra}, {just|simply} {pick|decide|choose} the pair that feels {the best|one of the best|the most effective|the perfect|the very best}. {There are many|There are lots of|There are numerous|There are various|There are a lot of} good {quality|high quality} {stores|shops}, most of {which will|which can|which is able to} {allow you to|let you|permit you to|will let you|can help you|assist you to|help you|mean you can} {exchange|trade|change|alternate} the shoe for {up to|as much as} a month.
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
手套{鞋|鞋|運動鞋}或{身體|體質} {鞋|鞋|運動鞋}是手套一樣{跑鞋|教練}模仿{感覺|感覺}您{腳|英尺|腳趾} {會經驗|專業知識},{如果|你應該|當你|事件您|萬一你|對於那些誰|如果你碰巧} {被|已經|過} {步行|漫步}赤腳。它可以幫助你{走|漫步}在{方式|時尚|方式} {這是|這是} {更多|額外} {自然|純},並提高您的{能力|人才|技能}在{活動|操作} {一樣運行|運行|工作},慢跑,瑜伽,{等|等|等|等等}。
{後登陸|著陸} {和幾個|和一些其他|等幾個} {會議|會議}與泰國高級管理{|}管理,誰講英語{好|正常|好聽|有效} {足以|足夠},我領導出了門,下{設施|電源|能力}的{主|主|大|主要|最重要的|首要|基礎|必備|重要|}主要走廊的會議{|}集會室{其中,|這個地方} {我會|我可能|我想}做{第一|主要}一天方向{鄉親|家長|的oldsters}誰也{實際上|真|真} {可以運行|工作|工作} {兒童|青少年|孩子}的編程{每天|每一天|天天}; {大學|學校|教師學歷} {PE人|個人|鄉親}。{我|我曾經是} {坦然,並準備|並準備} {材料|供應}在手我想像{正面|建設性|樂觀}?成像的消息,讓我們激動{我們|我們現在有|我們'已經|我們現在已經|我們已經有了|現在我們有} {重要|必備|需要|}重要的工作要做!我走下大廳{|}走廊與Sompit,泰國{老闆|老闆}和標題進入{會議|會議}屋裡,她說,“現在不要談{|說話|討論} {得快|快}。
{運行|工作|工作} {運動鞋|鞋|運動鞋} {如果你|?萬一你|如果你}亞軍那麼你的鞋{真|其實} {非常重要的|是必不可少的}。{運行|工作|工作} {看跌|位} {壓力|株|壓力} {您|在}腿和膝蓋,尤其是{|特別} {如果你|萬一你|如果你} {運行|運行|工作} {上硬|排氣|繁重|艱鉅|費力} {表面如|類似於|對應|堪比|類似於|讓人想起|外形酷似|相當於}混凝土路面和人行道。{跑鞋|培訓師}是填充,並有相當{|}還算一個對他們的腳跟,以減輕你從{衝擊影響|影響| |印象} {腳|腳趾|英尺} {的地板|地面}。{取而代之|作為替代|作為替代} |這會導致{傷|傷害|傷害} {在運行|工作|工作}鞋吸收它的衝擊讓你的腿的腳{地面地板}拍打下來和膝蓋{感覺|真的感覺} {很少|很少或沒有}或{沒有在所有|在任何方面}。{跑鞋|導師}給他們額外{|更多|更多} {安全|安全}讓你的腳踝{不|沒有} {傷害|危害|傷害} {下一個|後續|以下}天。
{接下來|後續|下} {事|因素} {考慮|思考|思忖} {是成本|價格|費用|相關費用}。{它能|可能|它可能|它可能|也不是沒有可能|它可能|它實際上|它可能會|它很可能會|它很可能|它可能可能} {有所不同|差異|範圍|波動} {大|一個優秀|一個夢幻般|一個令人難以置信|了不起|一個真棒|理想|驚人|重要} | {上許多不同|很多不同|許多替代} {因素|元素{依托取決於}交易|組件}。{但|然而} {1件事|因素}是{肯定|正面|某些},{將更多|額外} {專業|技術}鞋是,{更大|大} {價格|身價|值}。如果{運行|工作|工作}是{重要|必備|需要|重要}你{它是|這是} {好|高} {給|提供|提供|呈現} {更多|額外}對於{一個好的|大|一個優秀|高超|很好}對{鞋|鞋|運動鞋} {這可|可能|可能} {最後再|持續更} {比買|至購買}一吱吱對。在{從長遠看|長期},{它的|它是} {好|高}來支付{更多|額外},{剛|簡單} {挑選|決定|選擇},感覺{最好的一雙|其中的佼佼者|最有效|完美|最好}。{有很多|有很多|有許多|有各種|有很多} {好質量|優質} {店|店},大部分{這將|這可|這是能夠} {讓您|讓你|允許你|會讓你|可以幫助你|協助您|幫助你|意味著你可以} {交換|貿易|變化|交替}鞋為{高達|之多作為}一個月。
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