5 Adjust the pressure such that the diaphragm height is correct (Just touches theheight gauge, but does not raise it off the ground).5.6 Check the inflation pressure. The acceptable range of inflation pressure is 5.5 to6.5 psi. When referencing the inflation pressure we are speaking of the truepressure as measured by the calibrated digital pressure gauge, not the pressure onthe dial gauge. We have established that the dial gauge pressure needs to becorrected to accurately reflect the true pressure. The allowable range should havebeen established for each machine as is the correction factor.5.7 If the inflation pressure is within the defined specification, proceed. If theinflation pressure is out of range, change the diaphragm (or flip the currentdiaphragm over) and repeat steps 4.2-4.75.8 Turn off the machine.5.9 Remove the clamping ring and locking collar, place a specimen on top of therubber diaphragm, replace the clamping ring and tighten the and locking collar.5.10 Turn on the machine and inflate the diaphragm.5.11 Make sure that the sample is held by the locking ring and that there are no creasesin the sample. The height may not return to the 15 mm. This is ok, do not adjustthe pressure.5.12 Reset the counter to zero.5.13 Check to see that the head is balanced. If the head is not balance, refer to the bestpractice documents and balance the head.5.14 Apply the correct head weight for the material being tested. 227 g for liningmaterials, 454 g for all others5.15 Mount a piece of sandpaper in the grips. Only Nike approved sand paper is to beused.5.16 Tighten the adjusting screw to tension the sandpaper.5.17 Lower the head onto the sample.5.18 Start the test.5.19 Stop the test at intervals of less than 300 cycles to evaluate the sample. Dependingon the abrasion resistance of the material this may be as few as 50 cycles or asmany as 300. The frequency of evaluation (how often you stop the test and checkthe status) does not seem to have a large impact on the cycles to failure.5.20 If there is substantial lint on the surface of the sample or on the sandpaper,remove it with compressed air.5.21 Resume testing.5.22 Adjust the sandpaper every 300 cycles to provide a fresh abrasive surface. Afteradjusting the sandpaper cut off the excess used sandpaper to minimize changingthe head weight.5.23 The definition of the endpoint is different for the different classes of materials asfollows5.23.1 Woven MaterialsFailure is defined as perforation, which we define as rupture of a fiber inboth directions. This can be difficult to determine while the sample is stillon the machine and since removing the sample to check for failureinvalidates the test if failure has not occurred, we suggest the use of amagnifying mirror to evaluate samples on the machine. Perforation holes