TCP/IPv6 alternate static configuration options IPV6 address: Intel® AMT will support manual configuration of a static IPv6 address.This address is configured as an alternative address and may be used in parallel to auto-configured IPv6 addresses. This IP setting is only for the wired network. Gateway address: Intel® AMT will use the Gateway setting specified here. This setting is only for the wired network.Preferred and Alternate DNS addresses: Specify the address of the DNS server that will resolve the client system Computer host name. This setting is only for the wired network.TCP/IPv6 setting for wireless connection option Enable IPv6: Option to disable or enable IPv6 for wireless connection. If this is unchecked, then Intel® AMT system will not configure IPv6 addresses on the wireless network interface. The System Status page (Figure 4. System Status) will reflect IPv6 address as “Disabled”.