Fig. 3. IPS-02001 inhibits OC function through integrin induced signaling. (A and B) BMMs were cultured with M-CSF and RANKL for 2 days. Cells were lifted and plated on coated
OPN (A) or vitronectin (B) for 15 min. Total cell lysates analyzed by immunoblotting with phosphorylated P130cas (p-P130cas), P130cas, phosphorylated c-Src (p-c-Src), c-Src,
phosphorylated Pyk2 (p-Pyk2), and Pyk2 antibodies. GAPDH served as a loading control. (C) Effect of IPS-02001 on pit formation on dentine slices by mature OCs. OCs were formed
on dentine slices and stained with hematoxylin for visualization of the pit area. The area of resorption pits was measured using Image-Pro Plus 4.5. Scale bar indicates 200 mm