Корзина Когда удаляешь фото всё время нужно тыкать на это чертову галочку что бы фотка не перешла в корзину. Не могли бы вы сделать на оборот, ставить галочку когда вас нужно поместить фото в корзину.
Basket When you need all the time photo delete DAB on this fucking tick what would photo is not moved to the Recycle Bin. Could you make the turn, put a tick when you need to put the photo in the cart.
Shopping When you delete photos all the time you need to stick to that damn check that the photo would have not moved to the trash. Could you do on the turn, put a tick when you need to put the photos in the basket.
the basket when deleting a picture all the time to rub it off that damn picture not proceeded in the basket. could you make a speech, to check when you need to put the photo in the basket.