Similar flat jet nozzles as for the industrial cooling were used to develop the laboratory cooling.
Additionally they were positioned at the same distance and direction to the roll surface as the industrial
situation in order to have the same impact from the water on the surface.
Due to the difference in dimensions, especially the width, between an industrial mill and the pilot mill
the rotation from the nozzles had to be changed. In an industrial mill, the nozzles have their spraying
pattern under a certain angle in order to increase the homogeneity when there is an overlapping from
different nozzles. In the laboratory however, the width from the spraying pattern, at the distance where
the roll surface is situated, covers the entire width of the pilot work rolls. Therefore the nozzles could
be positioned horizontally without the risk to obtain an inhomogeneous cooling.
Figure 67 shows the design from the classical cooling in the middle of the figure. At the sides a
pictures are shown from the realisation at the entre side (right side on the picture) and the exit side (left
side of the picture)
Similar flat jet nozzles as for the industrial cooling were used to develop the laboratory cooling.Additionally they were positioned at the same distance and direction to the roll surface as the industrialsituation in order to have the same impact from the water on the surface.Due to the difference in dimensions, especially the width, between an industrial mill and the pilot millthe rotation from the nozzles had to be changed. In an industrial mill, the nozzles have their sprayingpattern under a certain angle in order to increase the homogeneity when there is an overlapping fromdifferent nozzles. In the laboratory however, the width from the spraying pattern, at the distance wherethe roll surface is situated, covers the entire width of the pilot work rolls. Therefore the nozzles couldbe positioned horizontally without the risk to obtain an inhomogeneous cooling.Figure 67 shows the design from the classical cooling in the middle of the figure. At the sides apictures are shown from the realisation at the entre side (right side on the picture) and the exit side (leftside of the picture)