For example, aryl chlorides and triflates are known to react with Pd(0) under similar conditions. The only previously known system for ligand-controlled divergent SM cross-coupling of chloroaryl triflates was initially reported by Fu (Scheme 1A,B).The SM coupling of 1 with 2 favors reaction at C−Cl over C−OTf with the bulky ligand PtBy3.Conversely, the less-hindered PCy3 effects reaction at triflate. However, this methodology has limited synthetic utility.Selective cross-coupling at C−OTf using PCy3 under the reported conditions is specific to the reaction between 1and 2; the use of other chloroaryl triflates or boronic acids leads to poor yields and/or selectivity (Scheme 1B).A detailed scope of the chloride-selective cross-coupling with PtBy3under the original conditions has not been reported.As such, alternative methods are needed for selective SM cross-coupling of chloroaryl triflates.