Invoice No.: Date:
Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery P.T. Techking Enterprises Indonesia
Mfg. Corp. Ltd. (CHEM)

Dear Sirs,
This is to confirm having sold to you the merchandise specified below on the terms and conditions herein mentioned. Please return the duplicate to us for confirmation with your signature duly affixed, which is to be received by us latest by
Shipment : Subject to Seller’s
Destination : Jakarta, Indonesia
Packing : Export standard seaworthy packing
Inspection : Manufacturer’s inspection at their factory before shipment shall be final
Specification : As per Seller’s Product specification
Insurance : To be covered by the buyer
Payment : Irrevocable L/C at sight upon shipment
Warranty : Three (3) years from B/L date
Item Description Quantity Unit Price Total Amount

Hydrogen Dispenser ME2H-A75
(Spec. per BINDING TERM SHEET signed and executed by three parties on 8th, Sept. 2015)

A bank guarantee of 30% down payment at total amount of US$120,000 order placed by TEI/TEL of 20 units valid until June 30, 2016 payable to CHEM before Sept. 23, 2015. 20sets $20,000 $400,000.
- to be continued -


All offers, orders and deliveries of Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery Mfg. Corp., a Taiwanese company (“CHEM”), products, software, goods or parts (“Products”) are subject to the provisions of the Sales Quote for such Products (“Sales Quote”) and the Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) set forth below, which are collectively referred to as the “Terms of Sale.”

1. General Terms.
1.1 Offer. The Sales Quote is an offer by CHEM to the purchaser named in the Sales Quote (“Purchaser”) for the sale of the Products described in the Sales Quote (“Offer”). The Offer is subject to all of the Terms of Sale. Purchaser must deliver to CHEM an acceptance in writing within the time prescribed in the Sales Quote, or if no such time is prescribed, within ten (10) days of mailing or transmission of the Sales Quote to Purchaser, or the Offer will expire without further notice or obligation of CHEM.

1.2 Order. Purchaser’s acceptance (a) must refer specifically to the number identified in the Sales Quote, (b) must be for the entire quantity of Products identified in the Sales Quote and (c) will be subject to all of the Terms of Sale without alteration. An accepted Offer is referred to as an “Order.” An Order includes only the Products specified in the Sales Quote and does not include installation, accessory or associated materials (such as cabling, conduit, controls, piping, connectors or other materials) unless specifically listed in the Sales Quote. Any additional or different terms or conditions in any communication from Purchaser are hereby objected to and shall not be effective unless specifically accepted by CHEM in writing.

1.3 Price. Purchaser agrees to pay the price set forth in the Sales Quote (“Price”) for the Products. Unless otherwise specified in the Sales Quote, the Price is quoted F.O.B. CHEM’s shipping point and does not include installation, training or set-up fees. The Price does not include any sales, use or privilege tax, customs duty, import tax or excise tax based on gross revenue or any similar tax or charge which might be levied as a result of the production, sale or shipment of any Products or the use of any Products. Purchaser agrees to pay and otherwise be fully responsible for any such taxes (except for taxes based on the net income of CHEM). Without limiting the foregoing, Purchaser will be responsible for any personal property taxes assessable on the Products after delivery. CHEM will have the right, but will not be obligated, to pay any such taxes directly, in which event Purchaser will reimburse CHEM for such payments.

1.4 Payment and Reimbursements. Purchaser will pay the Price according to the terms of payment specified in the Sales Quote. Purchaser will reimburse CHEM for any amounts subject to reimbursement under the Terms of Sale within fifteen (15) days after CHEM invoices Purchaser for such reimbursable amounts. All payments are to be made to CHEM in United States dollars at its principal place of business identified in the Sales Quote. If Purchaser fails to pay the Price or any other amount payable to CHEM under the Terms of Sale when the same is due, interest will be due and payable at the rate equal to the lesser of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month, or the maximum rate allowable by applicable law, on all balances outstanding from such payment’s due date until fully paid. Purchaser may not hold back, offset or set off any amounts owed to CHEM in satisfaction of any claims asserted by Purchaser against CHEM.

2. Deliveries.

2.1 Risk of Loss. Unless CHEM otherwise specifies in writing, all deliveries of Products are F.O.B. CHEM’s shipping point. All risk of loss to Products will pass to Purchaser upon delivery by CHEM of the Products to a common carrier identified in the Sales Quote or, if no common carrier is identified, selected by CHEM.

2.2 Conditions. Delivery schedules represent CHEM estimates only, and partial deliveries are permissible. CHEM will use reasonable commercial efforts to meet delivery schedules. Delivery of Products is conditioned on (a) CHEM’s timely receipt of all documents necessary for the completion of the Order, (b) CHEM’s receipt of any and all required payments, (c) Purchaser’s compliance with the Terms of Sale and (d) Purchaser’s maintenance of credit satisfactory to CHEM. CHEM may suspend or delay its performance under an Order or delivery of any Products at any time pending receipt of assurances satisfactory to CHEM of Purchaser’s ability to pay the Price or any other amounts payable to CHEM. If Purchaser fails to promptly provide such assurances, CHEM may cancel all or a portion of any Order without further liability or obligation to Purchaser.

2.3 Postponement or Refusal of Shipment. If Purchaser requests postponements of shipments, the Price will be due and payable upon notice from CHEM that the Products are ready for shipment, and thereafter any storage or other charge CHEM incurs on account of the Products will be for Purchaser’s account. If Purchaser refuses delivery, CHEM may store the Products at Purchaser’s expense. For all purposes of the Terms of Sale, such tender of delivery or storage will constitute delivery of the Products.

3. Inspection and Acceptance; Rejection.

3.1 Inspection; Acceptance. Purchaser’s inspection of the Products will be conducted by Purchaser at its expense with assistance from CHEM as set forth in the Sales Quote and in accordance with CHEM’s testing procedure, as may be modified by CHEM from time to time. Purchaser must notify CHEM pursuant to Section 3.2 of any claimed discrepancy between the specifications for the Products in the Sales Quote (“Specifications”) or Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted the Products as delivered; provided, however, that if the Sales Quote specifies that any of the Products are development models, such Products will meet the general intention of the mechanical and operational Specifications but need not be in strict compliance with the Specifications.

3.2 Rejection. Purchaser may reject Products only if (a) such Products fail to conform to the Specifications for reasons attributable to defects in workmanship or materials and (b) Purchaser delivers to CHEM written notice of such rejection within ten (10) days after delivery of the Products describing in detail the basis of Purchaser’s rejection. Purchaser’s rejection of any Products will not relieve Purchaser of its obligation to pay for any other Products or Purchaser’s further performance under the Terms of Sale.

3.3 Verification. CHEM will have the right to inspect and test any rejected Products at the point of Purchaser’s inspection following notification from Purchaser under Section 3.2. The results of CHEM’s inspection and testing will be final and conclusive with respect to whether any Products are properly rejected by Purchaser.

3.4 Exclusive Remedy for Rejected Products. If all or any portion of Products delivered to Purchaser are properly rejected, CHEM will, AS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AVAILABLE TO PURCHASER UNDER THE TERMS OF SALE, do one of the following, in CHEM’s sole discretion: (a) repair or replace any such Products; or (b) cancel in whole or in part the applicable Order and refund to Purchase any amounts already paid to CHEM in connection with the cancelled portion of the Order. If CHEM elects to repair or replace any Products, CHEM will repair or replace such Products within sixty (60) working days of the rejection and such repaired or replacement Products will be shipped to Purchaser at CHEM’s expense. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any Products were not properly rejected by Purchaser, all transportation and other charges (including labor) with respect to shipment and inspection of such Products will be borne by Purchaser.

4. Intellectual Property Ownership and License.

4.1 Ownership. Title and full ownership rights to all copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks and other intellectual property (“Intellectual Property”) contained in or accompanying the Products remain the exclusive property of CHEM or its suppliers, and Purchaser will not acquire any rights to such Intellectual Property except as expressly set forth in the Terms of Sale. CHEM reserves any right not expressly granted to Purchaser, and except as set forth in Section 4.2, the sale does not convey any license to manufacture, duplicate, or other wise copy or reproduce any of the Products.

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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
形式發票發票號: 日期:托運人買方/通知/收貨人鐘信電氣及機械 P.T.泰凱英企業印尼股份有限公司 (化工)尊敬的先生們,這是為了確認售予你上的條款及條件在此提到下面指定的商品。請重複我們確認帶回到您的簽名妥為蓋上,這是受我們最新的需經賣方裝運:目的地: 印尼雅加達包裝: 出口海運的標準包裝製造商的檢驗在工廠之前裝運終局規格: 根據賣方的產品規範保險: 由買方投保付款條件: 信用證裝運保修: 三 3 年從提單日期專案描述數量單價總金額FOB 臺灣在美元1。飲水機 ME2H A75 氫(規格每綁定術語表簽署和執行三個締約方在 8、 9 月 2015年)銀行擔保的 30%的定金在美國 $120,000 下的訂單麻地/電話 20 單位的有效直到 2016 年 6 月 30 日支付給化學在 2015 年 9 月 23 日之前的總金額。20 台; $20,000 $400,000。-繼續-買方的確認:賣方確認:日期: 日期:簽名: 簽名:條款和銷售所有報價、 訂單和交貨的鐘信電氣及機械製造股份有限公司,一家臺灣公司 ("化工") 的產品、 軟體、 貨物或部分 ("產品") ("銷售報價") 這一類產品的銷售報價有關的規定,條款及條件 ("條款及條件") 設置如下所述,這統稱為"銷售條款"。1.一般條款。1.1 提供。銷售報價是給買方在銷售報價 ("買方") 命名的化學提供銷售報價 ("報價") 中所描述的產品發售。報價是所有的銷售條款。買方必須交付的 CHEM 接受書面的時間內所訂明的銷售報價,或如果沒有這種時間訂明內十 10 天的郵寄或傳輸的銷售報價給買方,, 或提議將過期而不另行通知或義務的化學1.2 順序。買方接受 (a) 必須特別提及在銷售報價確定的數位,(b) 必須是整個銷售報價中標識的產品的數量,並且 (c) 將受所有銷售條款沒有變化。接受的報價是被稱為"秩序"。命令包括只指定在銷售報價的產品,並不包括安裝、 附屬或相關材料 (如電纜、 管道、 控制項、 管道、 連接器或其他材料),除非在銷售報價中專門列出。任何附加的或不同的條款或條件在任何通信從買方特此反對和不得有效,除非以書面形式明確接受的化學。1.3 價格。買方同意支付產品銷售報價 ("") 中規定的價格。除非另有規定的銷售報價,價格引述離岸價 CHEM 裝運點,不包括安裝、 培訓或安裝費。價格不包括任何銷售、 使用或特權稅,關稅,進口稅或消費稅基於總收入或任何類似的稅收或收費,可能會由於生產、 銷售或裝運的任何產品或任何產品的使用費用。買方同意支付,否則是完全負責任何此類稅收 (除了基於化學的淨收益的稅收)。在不限制上述規定,買方在交貨後將負責任何個人財產稅應評稅的產品。化學將享有的權利,但不是會強制,支付任何稅款直接,在哪個事件中買方將報銷款項化學。1.4 付款和報銷。買方將支付價格根據指定在銷售報價的付款條款。買方將報銷 CHEM 償付下銷售條款後 CHEM 發票買方償還款額的十五 15 天內的任何款項。所有付款,都均須向化工以美元計值在其主要營業地點的確定的銷售報價。如果買方未能支付價款或任何其他金額化工銷售條款下,相同到期時,利息將支付速度等於小雅之一和二分之一 %(1.5%) 每月,或所適用的法律,對所有允許的最大速率平衡優秀從這種付款到期日期直到完全支付。買方可能不退縮,抵消或抵消化學在化學買方任何索賠的滿意任何欠款2.交貨。2.1 風險損失。除非 CHEM 否則為指定在寫作中,所有交付的產品都是離岸價 CHEM 裝運點。所有的產品的損失風險會通過向買方交付後的化工產品的銷售報價中確定公共承運人或,如果沒有共同承運人的身份,選擇由化學2.2 Conditions. Delivery schedules represent CHEM estimates only, and partial deliveries are permissible. CHEM will use reasonable commercial efforts to meet delivery schedules. Delivery of Products is conditioned on (a) CHEM’s timely receipt of all documents necessary for the completion of the Order, (b) CHEM’s receipt of any and all required payments, (c) Purchaser’s compliance with the Terms of Sale and (d) Purchaser’s maintenance of credit satisfactory to CHEM. CHEM may suspend or delay its performance under an Order or delivery of any Products at any time pending receipt of assurances satisfactory to CHEM of Purchaser’s ability to pay the Price or any other amounts payable to CHEM. If Purchaser fails to promptly provide such assurances, CHEM may cancel all or a portion of any Order without further liability or obligation to Purchaser.2.3 Postponement or Refusal of Shipment. If Purchaser requests postponements of shipments, the Price will be due and payable upon notice from CHEM that the Products are ready for shipment, and thereafter any storage or other charge CHEM incurs on account of the Products will be for Purchaser’s account. If Purchaser refuses delivery, CHEM may store the Products at Purchaser’s expense. For all purposes of the Terms of Sale, such tender of delivery or storage will constitute delivery of the Products.3. Inspection and Acceptance; Rejection. 3.1 檢查;接受。買方檢驗的產品將會由買方自費協助進行從化學所規定的銷售報價和按照化學的測試程式,可能會不時修改的化學。買方必須通知根據任何索賠之間的差異在銷售報價 ("規格") 產品規範第 3.2 節化學或買方將被視為已接受產品交付;提供,然而,那如果銷售報價指定的任何產品的發展模式,這類產品將滿足機械和操作規範的意向,但不是需要嚴格遵守規範。3.2 排斥反應。買方可以拒絕接受產品,只是如果 (a) 這種產品不符合規格的原因歸因於在工藝或材料的缺陷和 (b) 買方交付化學的產品這種拒絕送貨後十 10 天內書面聲明詳細描述買方拒絕的基礎。買方拒絕任何產品不會減輕其支付任何其他產品或買方的進一步義務買方銷售條款下的性能。3.3 核查。化學將有權檢查和測試任何拒絕的產品時買方檢驗通知後從買方根據 3.2 節。化學的核對總和測試結果將是最終及不可推翻關於是否任何產品正確拒絕由買方承擔。3.4 對不合格產品的獨家補救。如果正確地拒絕交付給買方的產品的全部或任何部分,化學會作為獨家的補救辦法提供給買方根據銷售條款,執行下列操作之一,在化學的唯一自由裁量權: (a) 修復或更換任何此類產品;或者 (b) 取消全部或部分的適用順序和退款已經購買的任何款項支付到 CHEM 訂單取消部分。如果 CHEM 選舉進行修理或更換任何產品,化學將修理或更換這類產品在六十 60 個工作日內拒絕的這種修復或更換的產品將被運到買方自費化學的。儘管有上述規定,如果任何產品被不正確地拒絕由買方承擔,所有交通工具和其他費用 (包括勞務) 裝運和此類產品的檢驗方面將承擔由買方承擔。4.智慧財產權擁有權和許可。4.1 擁有權。標題和所有版權、 專利、 營業秘密、 商標和其他智慧財產權 ("智慧財產權") 所載或伴隨產品的全部擁有權權利仍然是化學或其供應商的專有財產和銷售條款中明確規定,買方不會獲得任何除了這種智慧財產權的權利。化工儲備買方,未明確授予的任何權利和除 4.2 節,所述出售不傳達任何許可證到製造、 重複或其他明智的副本或複製的任何產品。4.2
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
製造。有限責任公司(CHEM)親愛的先生們,這是為了確認已經賣給你在本文中提及的條款和條件低於規定的商品。請與您的簽名妥為蓋上,這是要接收由我們最遲複本交回給我們進行確認除賣方:裝運目的地:雅加達,印尼 包裝:出口標準海運包裝檢驗:在他們的工廠生產廠商的檢查之前,運輸費用應由最終規格:按照賣家的產品規格保險:由買方付款方式:不可撤銷L / C即期交貨時,應保證:從早/午日起三(3)年項目說明數量單價總金額FOB台灣IN美元1. 氫飲水機ME2H-A75(規格。每經三方8日簽訂,執行約束力的條款表,2015年9月)的30%首付款為US $ 12萬訂單的放置TEI總量的銀行擔保/ 20台電話有效期至2016年支付給CHEM 6月30日,9月23日,2015年20sets $ $ 20,000 40萬了。-未完待續- 買方的確認:賣家的確認:日期:日期:簽字:簽字:條款和CONDICTION銷售所有優惠,訂單和交付湧鑫電器機械製作所公司,一家台灣公司(“CHEM”),產品,軟件,產品或零部件(“產品”)是受銷售報價為此類產品的規定(“銷售報價”)其條款及條件(“條款和條件”)載列如下,它們統稱為“銷售條款”。1。一般條款。1.1 發售。銷售報價是為銷售在銷售報價(“要約”)中描述的產品在銷售報價(「買方」)評選的買方的要約CHEM。收購建議須待所有銷售條款。買方必須向CHEM的驗收規定,在銷售報價的期限內以書面,或者如果沒有這樣的時間規定,在郵寄或銷售報價為買方傳輸或要約十(10)天內將沒有進一步的到期通知或CHEM。義務1.2秩序。買方驗收(一)必須特別提到在銷售報價中確定的數量,(二)必須是確定的銷售報價和(c)將受到所有出售的條款沒有改變產品的全部數量。接受的優惠被稱為一個“訂單”。一個訂 ​​單僅包括在銷售報價中指定的產品和不包括安裝,配件或相關材料(如電纜,管道,控制,管道,連接器或其它材料),除非在銷售報價具體列出。從買方的任何通信的任何額外或不同的條款或條件在此反對,不得生效,除非由CHEM以書面形式。特別接受了1.3價格。買方同意支付價款中所規定的銷售報價(“價格”)的產品。除非在銷售報價另有規定,報價是離岸價CHEM的裝運點,不包括安裝,培訓或設置費。價格不包括任何銷售,使用或特權稅,關稅,進口稅和消費稅基礎上的總收入或任何類似的稅收或費用可能被徵收作為生產,銷售的任何產品或或裝運結果使用的任何產品。買方同意支付和以其他方式全面負責任何此類稅收(除根據淨收入CHEM稅)。除前述規定以外,買方將負責評稅在交付後的產品有任何個人財產稅。CHEM將有權利,但沒有義務,直接支付任何此類稅款,在此情況下買方會CHEM獲得此類支付的補償。1.4 付款和報銷。買方將根據付款在銷售報價中的條款付出代價。買方將CHEM為主題,以償還在售的條款在十五CHEM後(15)天的發票買方就這樣報銷金額的款項償還。所有款項都在其主要業務在銷售報價確定的地點作出CHEM美國美元。如果買方未能支付價款或在售的條款支付給CHEM任何其他款項時,同樣是由於利息將到期的利率等於一年半百分比(1.5%)佔較小的支付月或最大速率允許適用法律,就未決此類支付的到期日,直到完全支付了所有餘額。買方不得隱瞞,抵消或掀起由買方對CHEM主張任何權利要求的滿意欠CHEM任何款項。2。交付,損失2.1風險。除非化工另行規定以書面形式,產品的所有交付都是FOB CHEM的裝運點。虧損產品的所有風險,將通過交付該產品CHEM點名購買者在銷售報價或確定一個共同的載體,如果沒有共同的載體是確定的,由CHEM。選擇2.2的條件。交貨計劃僅代表CHEM估計和部分交付是允許的。CHEM將採用合理的商業措施來滿足交貨時間表。交付產品的條件是(一)CHEM的及時收到所有必要為完成訂單的,(B)CHEM收據的任何和所有所需付款,(三)買方遵守買賣條款(四)買方的文件維護信用的滿意CHEM。CHEM可以暫停或下訂單或交付的任何產品推遲其性能在任何時間以待收到擔保,滿足CHEM買方的支付能力或應付價格以CHEM任何其他款項。如果買方未能及時提供這種保證,CHEM可能取消全部或任何令部分沒有進一步的責任或義務買方。2.3 延期或裝運的拒絕。如果買方要求發貨推遲,價格會因並在從CHEM通知支付,該產品已備妥待運,此後任何存儲或其他費用CHEM招是考慮到產品將是買方的賬戶。如果買方拒絕交付,CHEM可以存儲產品在買方的費用。出售條款的所有目的,交付或儲存這種招標將構成產品的交貨。3。驗收; 。甩3.1檢驗; 驗收。該產品的購買者的檢查將由買方自行承擔費用與CHEM協助下進行的,在銷售報價,並按照CHEM的測試程序規定,如可以通過CHEM不時被修改的時間。買方必須通知依照規格的產品在銷售報價(“規範”),或買方將被視為已經接受了產品的交付之間的任何要求不符的第3.2節CHEM; 提供的,但是,如果銷售報價規定,任何產品都發展模式,這樣的產品將滿足機械和操作規範的總體意圖,但不必嚴格遵守規範。3.2 抑制。買方可以拒絕接受產品只有在(a)該產品不符合規格由於工藝或材料的缺陷原因(二)買方提供產品的交貨後CHEM在十(10)天的反對,書面通知詳細描述了買方拒絕的基礎。任何產品買方拒絕將不能免除其義務,買方支付的任何其他產品或買方的下銷售,條款進一步表現3.3驗證。CHEM將有權檢查並在買方檢查下列第3.2節由買方通知點測試任何拒絕的產品的權利。對CHEM的檢查和測試的結果將是最終及不可推翻對於是否有產品被買方。適當拒絕3.4唯一的補救措施為不合格品。如果產品的全部或任何部分交付給買方正確拒絕,化學會,作為唯一的補救措施提供給購買者根據售賣條款,請執行下列操作之一,CHEM自行決定:(一)維修或更換任何此類產品; 或(b)取消全部或部分適用的訂單,並退還購買已經與訂單的取消,部分相關的支付給CHEM任何款項。如果CHEM選舉維修或更換任何產品,化學將負責維修或在六十(60)替換該產品的排斥和工作日修理或更換的產品將被運到買方在CHEM的費用。儘管有上述規定,如果任何產品都無法正常通過買方拒絕,所有的運輸及其他費用(包括勞動力)相對於運輸和此類產品的檢驗將由買方承擔。4。知識產權所有權和許可。4.1 所有權。標題和完整所有權的所有版權,專利權,商業秘密,商標及其他知識產權(“知識產權”)包含或隨附的產品保持CHEM或其供應商的專有財產,而買方不會獲得這樣的任何權利知識產權除非明確規定在銷售條款。CHEM保留任何權利不明確授予買方,而除第4.2規定,買賣不轉讓任何許可,以製造,複製,或其他明智的拷貝或複製任何產品。4.2

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