Nevertheless, you must also add the WINAPI call convention / load tool to each
int WINAPI load_tool (char chConNo, …).
The old PRODAVE MPI 5.6 Libraries (W95_S7.DLL, KOMFORT.DLL) and the new
PRODAVE MPI/IE V6.2 Library (PRODAVE6.LIB) can be used parallel in a user
There should be no problems when using programs created for PRODAVE MPI/IE
V6.0 with PRODAVE MPI/IE V6.2.
Parallel operation of the older versions V6.x and V6.2 is not supported.
You can continue to use old Prodave V5.6 programs. It is not, however, possible to
interlace the two versions, i.e. it is not possible to create a connection to the AS
with an old function and then to read data with a new function and vice versa. The
connection and the reading or writing of the data must take place homogeneously,
with the same Prodave Version.