Little Red Riding HoodLittle Red Riding HoodReturn to D. L. Ashliman's的中文翻譯

Little Red Riding HoodLittle Red Ri

Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood
Return to D. L. Ashliman's folktexts, a library of folktales, folklore, fairy tales, and mythology.
Little Red Riding Hood
Charles Perrault
Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had a little red riding hood made for her. It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One day her mother, having made some cakes, said to her, "Go, my dear, and see how your grandmother is doing, for I hear she has been very ill. Take her a cake, and this little pot of butter."
Little Red Riding Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village.
As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest. He asked her where she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother."
"Does she live far off?" said the wolf
"Oh I say," answered Little Red Riding Hood; "it is beyond that mill you see there, at the first house in the village."
"Well," said the wolf, "and I'll go and see her too. I'll go this way and go you that, and we shall see who will be there first."
The wolf ran as fast as he could, taking the shortest path, and the little girl took a roundabout way, entertaining herself by gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and gathering bouquets of little flowers. It was not long before the wolf arrived at the old woman's house. He knocked at the door: tap, tap.
"Who's there?"
"Your grandchild, Little Red Riding Hood," replied the wolf, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter sent you by mother."
The good grandmother, who was in bed, because she was somewhat ill, cried out, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."
The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten. He then shut the door and got into the grandmother's bed, expecting Little Red Riding Hood, who came some time afterwards and knocked at the door: tap, tap.
"Who's there?"
Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you."
The wolf cried out to her, softening his voice as much as he could, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the bobbin, and the door opened.
The wolf, seeing her come in, said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come get into bed with me."
Little Red Riding Hood took off her clothes and got into bed. She was greatly amazed to see how her grandmother looked in her nightclothes, and said to her, "Grandmother, what big arms you have!"
"All the better to hug you with, my dear."
"Grandmother, what big legs you have!"
"All the better to run with, my child."
"Grandmother, what big ears you have!"
"All the better to hear with, my child."
"Grandmother, what big eyes you have!"
"All the better to see with, my child."
"Grandmother, what big teeth you have got!"
"All the better to eat you up with."
And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up.
Moral: Children, especially attractive, well bred young ladies, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf. I say "wolf," but there are various kinds of wolves. There are also those who are charmi
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小红帽小红帽返回到 D.L.Ashliman folktexts,图书馆的民间故事、 民间传说、 童话故事和神话。小红帽夏尔 · 佩罗很久以前住着某乡村小的乡下姑娘,见过的最漂亮的生物。她的母亲是过分喜欢她;和她的祖母仍然更宠爱她。这个善良的女人曾为她做的小红帽。它适合女孩非常好,大家都叫她小红帽。一天她的母亲,有了几块蛋糕,说与她,"去,亲爱的看看怎么样你的祖母,我听见她已经病得很厉害。带她一块蛋糕,和黄油这小盆栽."小红帽马上出发去她的祖母住在另一个村子里。她正要穿过树林,她遇到了一只狼,有很大的头脑,把她吃掉,但他不敢因为一些伐木工人在森林附近工作。他问她她要去哪里。这个可怜的孩子,不知道这是危险想留下来聊天到一只狼,对他说,"我要去看望我奶奶,带着一个蛋糕和黄油从我妈妈一个小罐子."狼说:"她住远了?"哦我说,"回答小红帽;"这是超出你看到那里,第一家在村子里的那个磨"。"嗯,"狼说,",我会去看看她太。我会走这条路,去你的和我们应看到谁将第一次."狼跑得一样快,他可以以最短的路径,以及小女孩拿了迂回的方式,通过采集坚果、 追蝴蝶和收集花束的小娱乐自己。没过多久,大灰狼来到老妇人的房子。他敲了敲门︰ 请点击,点击。"谁在那儿?""你的孙子,小红帽,"回答是狼,假冒她的声音;"谁对你带来的蛋糕和黄油壶小寄给你的母亲"。奶奶好,是在床上,因为她有点病了,喊着"拉梭芯,和闩锁将会上涨"。狼拉筒管和门打开了,然后他立即落好女人在一个时刻,它吃起来已超过三天,因为他吃了。他然后关上了门和进外婆的床上,期待着小红帽,来了一些时间之后站起身敲了敲门︰ 请点击,点击。"谁在那儿?"起初,小红帽,听到的是狼,大声音是害怕;但相信她的祖母患了感冒,嘶哑了,回答说,"它是你的孙子小红帽,给你带来一个蛋糕和一口小锅的黄油母亲向您发送"。大灰狼向她呼喊,软化他的声音,就像他能"拉梭芯,和闩锁将会上涨"。小红帽拉梭,门开了。狼,看到她进来,对她说,他把自己藏在被窝里,"把蛋糕和黄油在凳子上,小盆栽,来和我一起上床。Little Red Riding Hood took off her clothes and got into bed. She was greatly amazed to see how her grandmother looked in her nightclothes, and said to her, "Grandmother, what big arms you have!""All the better to hug you with, my dear.""Grandmother, what big legs you have!""All the better to run with, my child.""Grandmother, what big ears you have!""All the better to hear with, my child.""Grandmother, what big eyes you have!""All the better to see with, my child.""Grandmother, what big teeth you have got!""All the better to eat you up with."And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up.Moral: Children, especially attractive, well bred young ladies, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf. I say "wolf," but there are various kinds of wolves. There are also those who are charmi
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
小红帽小红帽回到D. L. ashliman的folktexts,图书馆的民间故事、民间传说、童话和神话。小红帽查尔斯佩罗从前,某村的一个乡下小姑娘,谁是见过的最漂亮的动物。她妈妈非常喜欢她;她的奶奶疼爱她更多。这个好女人有一个小红帽为她做的。它适合这个女孩,所以非常好,每个人都叫她小红帽。有一天,她的母亲,做了一些蛋糕,对她说:“走吧,我亲爱的,看看你的祖母是怎么做的,因为我听说她病得很厉害。给她一个蛋糕,这小壶黄油。”小红帽马上动身去奶奶,住在另一个村子里。她要穿过树林,她遇到了一只狼,他有一个非常伟大的头脑来吃她,但是他不敢,因为一些人在森林附近工作。他问她要去哪里。这个可怜的孩子,不知道留下来和一只狼说话是很危险的,对他说:“我要去看我的奶奶,给我妈妈带一块蛋糕和一点黄油从我妈妈。”“她住得远吗?”狼说“哦,我说,”小红帽回答说,“这是超出了你看到的,在村里的第一个房子。”“嗯,”狼说,“我也去看看她。我会走这条路,走吧,我们会看到谁先到那里。”狼撒腿就跑,以最短的路径,而小女孩拿了一个迂回的方式,娱乐自己收集坚果,追逐蝴蝶,和小采摘鲜花花束。没过多久,狼就到了老妇人的房子里。他敲了敲门:水龙头,水龙头。“谁在那里?”“你的外孙女,小红帽,”狼回答说,假冒她的声音;“谁带你一块蛋糕和一小壶酥油送给你妈妈。”好的祖母,谁是在床上,因为她有点病了,哭了出来,“拉梭,和闩锁就上去了。”狼的骨架,和门开了,然后他马上落在好的女人,她吃了一会儿,它已经超过三天没有吃东西了。然后,他关上了门,进入了祖母的床上,期待着小红帽,谁来了一段时间后,敲了敲门:水龙头,水龙头。“谁在那里?”小红帽,听到狼的声音大了,起初害怕;但相信她的奶奶患了感冒,嗓子都哑了,回答说,“这是你的孙子小红帽,谁给你们带来了一个蛋糕和一小壶酥油妈妈送给你。”狼哀求她,软化他的声音就像他能“拉梭,和闩锁就上去了。”小红帽把线轴,和门开了。狼来了,看到她来,对她说,他把自己藏在被窝里,“把蛋糕和奶油在凳子的小壶,来跟我上床。”小红帽脱下她的衣服,钻进了床上。她很惊讶地看到奶奶怎么看着她的睡衣,对她说:“奶奶,你的手臂真大!”“最好抱一抱你,我亲爱的。”“奶奶,你有多大的腿啊!”“所有更好的运行,我的孩子。”“奶奶,你有多大的耳朵啊!”“所有的更好的听到,我的孩子。”“奶奶,你有多大的眼睛啊!”“所有更好的看到,我的孩子。”“奶奶,你有多大的牙齿啊!”“所有更好的吃你了。”说这句话的是,这只邪恶的狼落在小红帽上,把她吃掉了。道德:孩子,特别是有吸引力的,有教养的年轻女士,不应该和陌生人说话,因为如果他们这样做的话,他们可能会为一只狼提供晚餐。我说“狼”,但有各种各样的狼。也有那些外
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