theright hand more distal on the handle than the left hand.Since both hands are rotated clockwise on the grip, theleft hand’s dorsum is visible when the golfer looks downon the grip. The hands are in slight wrist flexion andulnar deviation.54 The line of the body is parallel withthe line from the ball to the target.As the movement begins, about 60% of the body’sweight transfers to the front and medial aspect of thetrail leg,53, 55 and the torso and pelvis rotate around thetrail leg. The torso and shoulders rotate slightly morequickly than the pelvis although the pelvis motion iscompleted before shoulder rotation.56 This causes thelead knee to flex more, and the left hip laterally rotatesrelative to pelvic alignment; this is important to realizesince, at first glance, it may appear that the thigh mediallyrotates if the pelvis position is not taken intoaccount.Movement of the body weight more to the trailleg with knee flexion causes the foot to move into eversionas it stays on the ground. As the hands move upand behind the golfer, the right arm abducts until itreaches about 75° to 90° of elevation and laterally