Beginning to learn gymnastics even before she could barely walk, Svetlana had always dreamed to enter the Olympics scene some day.
However, her dream ended in the car on the winding road when a lorry appeared out of nowhere.The last thing she remembered was a blinding flash flight.In hospital, when told she would never walk again, she couldn't believe m Three months later, she was wheeled out of hospital on a wheelchair.Then a friend came to her house to visit her with an old Child's storybook.A bookmark in it made her open to page 117.The name of the chapter was. The Day Clara Walked'.She was determined to rectum to stage whatever it might cost. Surprisingly afire a year's hard exercise, Svetlana recovered and was able to display her gymnastics.While she was sitting on the green bench outside the Athens Stadium, memories flooded in :first, the pain and the tears, the book under her pillow, the words of relatives full of advice and comfort, and the pitying those eyes that had once held admiration for her talent.Then followed the trips to the gym where everyone looked on doubtfully ,their disbelief transforming
slowly to wonder, as she could balance the hoop(健身圈)as well as her teammates.She registered for the 2004 0lympic Games, and finally she received approval from the Olympic Committee.
Her thought was interrupted by the attendant who said, "Ws time", two words that she had been eager to hear for so long.Smoothing her dress, she walked into the stadium, each step firm and steady.everything was perfect .and the applause rang loud in her ears, her
heart hammering violently against her chest.
Later that night, Svetlana pulled the gold medal out of her pocket and placed it on the old book on the shelf, which opened to page 117, to the chapter 'The Day Clara Walked', tears clouding her vision.
Beginning to learn gymnastics even before she could barely walk, Svetlana had always dreamed to enter the Olympics scene some day.However, her dream ended in the car on the winding road when a lorry appeared out of nowhere.The last thing she remembered was a blinding flash flight.In hospital, when told she would never walk again, she couldn't believe m Three months later, she was wheeled out of hospital on a wheelchair.Then a friend came to her house to visit her with an old Child's storybook.A bookmark in it made her open to page 117.The name of the chapter was. The Day Clara Walked'.She was determined to rectum to stage whatever it might cost. Surprisingly afire a year's hard exercise, Svetlana recovered and was able to display her gymnastics.While she was sitting on the green bench outside the Athens Stadium, memories flooded in :first, the pain and the tears, the book under her pillow, the words of relatives full of advice and comfort, and the pitying those eyes that had once held admiration for her talent.Then followed the trips to the gym where everyone looked on doubtfully ,their disbelief transformingslowly to wonder, as she could balance the hoop(健身圈)as well as her teammates.She registered for the 2004 0lympic Games, and finally she received approval from the Olympic Committee.她的思想被打断的服务员们说,"Ws 时间",两个字,她一直渴望听到这么 long.Smoothing 为她的衣服、 她走进体育场,每个脚步坚定和 steady.everything 是完美和掌声响起在她的耳朵,她心脏猛烈地敲打她的胸部。那天晚上,斯维特拉娜 · 拉了她的口袋里的金牌,和把它放在书架上的老书,而打开的到页 117,章 ' 天克拉拉走 ',泪水遮挡了她的视线。