Room service project set up to consider, but is not limited to grades, such as Star-qualified, but to fully consider the needs of guests and the hotel situation, projects tend to be rich in service delivery goals. Even with a service project, also forming the service feature of the hotel, will be featured in camp resulted in the "home away from home".In order to increase revenue, hotel room service items using a variety of different, and better meet the needs of guests, rather than apart from "leaning against a pillow, lying in bed," away with nothing to do. Like some is located in environment beautiful of scenic of hotels, considered to guests access not convenient, in floors regional established small library to rich some hi static guests of evening life; with is rooms small bar service, due to reception guests different, some hotels placed snacks class mainly of food, and some hotels is placed fast food surface, can let guests eat of food; strengthened hotels of entertainment facilities of equipped with, added with alarm clock of CD audio, and installation bike fitness device etc.