Conclusions and future directions
Arc plays a vital role in the molecular mechanisms underlying memory consolidation. Its expression is tightly linked to neuronal activity, and this finding has led to its use as a tool to study both functional and dysfunctional neurons. Given its enrichment at synapses and in the nucleus, and its pleotropic roles in Hebbian and homeostatic plasticity, Arc probably mediates its effects on behavior through multiple cellular functions, including regulation of AMPAR endocytosis, spine morphology and yet-to-be defined nuclear functions. The extent of its cellular functions remains to be elucidated, and how different stimuli lead to different localization and functions of Arc is also not yet clear. These will be important areas for further research in the pursuit of a better understanding of how neurons encode information and form lasting memories. Arc undeniably still has a lot to teach us about how the brain accomplishes one of its most remarkable feats, the consolidation of memory.