Program care asigura stergerea permanenta de pe iPhone, iPad si iPod touch a datelor personale,mesajelor, istoricul convorbirilor, contactelor facetime, mail, calendar, remindere, note, Safari Bookmarks, foto, video, Apps, setari de sistem, iTunes DB, iMessage, Safari Favorites, istoricul browser Safari, Game Center, Apple Maps, Weather si ce e mai important Apple ID, iCloud ID .
Aceasta stergere cica e ireversibila , fiind facuta printr-un algoritm "DOD 5220 – 22 M" - folosit in area guvernamentala si militara americana. O fi ...
Program that provides permanent deletion on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, messages, call history, contacts, facetime, calendar, remindere, notes, photo, Safari Bookmarks, videos, Apps, system settings, iTunes DB, iMessage, Safari browser-Safari Favorites, history, Game Center, Apple's Weather Maps, and what's more important Apple ID, iCloud ID.This deletion being irreversible, they say it's done through an algorithm "DOD 5220-22 M"-used in the American Government and military area. A be ...

Program that provides permanent removal of the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch personal data, messages, call history, contacts FaceTime mail, calendar, reminders, notes, Safari Bookmarks, photos, videos, apps, system settings, iTunes DB, iMessage Safari Favorites, history browser Safari, Game Center, Apple Maps, Weather, and more importantly Apple ID, iCloud ID.
This deletion CICA is irreversible is done by an algorithm "DOD 5220-22 M" - used in area government and the American military. It might be ...

program that ensure the permanence of the iphone, ipad and ipod touch personal data, messages, the phone records, facetime email, calendar, contacts, notes, bookmarks remindere, safari, photo, video, apps, system settings, itunes db, imessage safari safari browser, favorites, history, game center, apple maps, the weather and what's more important icloud apple id, and id.this erasing cica is irreversible, as done by an algorithm "dod 5220 - 22 m" used in american government and military area. a be...