MDF 1.0 - Manufacturing Disclosure Form (MDF) Policy
Policy L.L. Bean, Inc. requires that you provide complete and accurate Manufacturing Disclosure Form statements for all products manufactured for L.L.Bean, Inc.
Who is affected All vendors with foreign terms of sale location (outside U.S.)
Definitions An MDF is an internal L.L.Bean, Inc. document that captures data provided by our foreign vendors to ensure proper country of origin determination for compliance with U.S. import laws and regulations.
When is a MDF required • New production
• Any change in production
Rationale U.S. Import law states – (see below)
“Unless excepted, EVERY article of foreign origin must be conspicuously and permanently marked to indicate to the ultimate purchaser in the U.S. the English name of the country of origin of the article.” 19 CFR 134.11
MDFs provide L.L.Bean, Inc. the opportunity to verify all information regarding the country of origin is complete and accurate, as specified by U.S. Law.
Effective date Currently active
Submit dates • Spring /Summer Purchase Orders - July 15
• Fall/Winter Purchase Orders - January 15
• Note: Above dates are set to coincide with cost finalization. All MDF’s should be submitted when the price quote letter is submitted.
Who to contact Completed MDFs and general inquiries should be sent to
Measuring Non compliance MDF process compliance is part of Vendor Documentation Accuracy measures. Non-compliance to the process will be recorded and provided to you on a periodic basis.
Non compliance measures • MDF's received late or not submitted
• MDF's filled out improperly
Supporting documents • MDF 2.0 Procedure
• MDF 3.0 Completion Instructions
• MDF 4.0 Textile and Apparel Sample Form
• MDF 5.0 Hardgoods Sample Form
• MDF 6.0 MDF (Blank form)