Dear Taoka san,
WE understand the FMi06、FMiS08 and other FMTs are all your running models, but we all understand the uncertainty of MFi parts (connectors & ICs) schedule, which is the key factor that trouble us.
I can do little for you as this is Apple issues, unless you prepare forecast POs to us even more earlier, so we can prepare even earlier in advance and secure connectors for the POs are in our hands, or the situation will be same as now, we are all in trouble.
Please understand that you don’t need to pay in advance for your forecast POs, and also you can ask to us to adjust the schedule (I mean postpone).
Only if we have received connectors in hands, we can commit unbreakable schedule to you, so you can commit to your customer.
Bad connector management records will hurt both EWI and Logitec/ Elecom images to Apple, such as the under table deal we made with Avnet (I hand carry connectors to factory that case).
We are still try to amend our system & records now to comply with Apple rules, it’s very risky for we both, so we should not do it again, the price is too high.
Any Infraction might cause disqualification of our MFi certification.
Please kindly consider your PO system demand to resolve current inefficiency on PO schedule confirmation due to the MFi parts availability.
Thank you for your kindly understanding and cooperation.
Best regards,