2.5 Brokering approach
Speaker: Stefano Nativi, Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Web site: http://www.eurogeoss.eu/
One of the key objectives of the Summit was to explore how data services and apps coming
from citizen science and smart cities initiatives can be made interoperable and reusable.
Given the variety of approaches, technologies, and standards, a valuable contribution
comes from the Brokering framework, initially developed by CNR as part of an FP7 project
coordinated by the JRC (ww.eurogeoss.eu) and then adopted by the Group for Earth
Observation to link the many systems, capacities and communities contributing to the
Global Earth Observation System of Systems.
Stefano Nativi (CNR) presented the brokering middleware the purpose of which is to build a
Network of Networks or System of Systems connecting complex and heterogeneous
system and networks at different levels. The approach is built upon four main principles: (i)
build on existing networks/system infrastructures, (ii) supplement, not supplant them, (iii)
lower barriers avoiding to impose ant common federated technology or single standard, and
(iv) be flexible and extensible to allow evolution. The key innovation of the Brokering
approach is the change in paradigm: rather than building interoperability by requiring the
agreement on a single set of standards, which in a complex multidisciplinary environments
does not work, the Brokering middleware allows each system to stay as is, and builds
bridges, or mediates, between them allowing to search and access data across them all
(Nativi et al. 2012, and 2013).