THRUST REVERSER SYSTEM D/O (3)THRUST REVERSER OPERATION (STOW SEQUENCE)(continued)STOW POSITIONThe pivoting doors go to the overstow position to enable the primary,secondary and tertiary locks to engage mechanically. The doors willreturn to the normal stow position once the EEC has de-energized theICU solenoid to shut off the hydraulic supply. The EEC, usingfeedback signals from the stow switches and RVTs, confirms thereverser stowed condition and the amber "REV" indication disappearsfrom the EPR indicator. The ICU solenoid is de-energized when thedoors are confirmed stowed for more than 5 seconds, and the tertiarylocks are de-energized when the TRA > -4.5° for more than 15seconds.THRUST REVERSER SYSTEM D/O (3)THRUST REVERSER OPERATION (STOW SEQUENCE)When the reverse thrust levers are pushed down to the forward thrustposition, the TCU sends a signal to the EEC. The EEC energizes the ICUsolenoid to open the isolation valve. The DCU solenoid is de-energizedso hydraulic pressure is directed to the stow side of the actuators in orderto close the pivoting doors. The stow transit mode is indicated by anamber "REV" indication on the EPR indicator.