You are right~
I think discrimination is nonsense...
It doesn't make sense....
A person is not worth less because of their skin color, height, weight, race, or anything...
Every human being has the right to be treated equally..
So therefor, I think everyone is special in their own way~
I like everyone..
Blacks, Asians, white.....
Everyone has their own identity that sets them apart from others~
That's why I think everyone should love themselves for who they are~
People should not be disgraced by their ancestry, skin color, race...
It's stupid~
Unfortunately, there are some foreigners who think differently...
They like to discriminate @.@
But sometimes, these people also makes jokes for fun..
You should not listen to them~
They are just looking for attention...
[下午 11:49:20] Lisa Meier: However, discrimination also happens in Asia, right? Amongst the Japanese, Chinese, Korean.....