Phase VI: Terminating a job. The active job is terminated when all the tasks of the job on the slave nodes are finished, or a fatal error occurred during the execution so that the tasks cannot be executed further more. The master node sends the result or some information about the fatal error to the user. It also sends a job-finished message with the user session to all the participating slave nodes. The latter clears all information related to the user session, including the proxy credential and the encryption information {SCA, SC_Key}. If the job-finished message is caused by a fatal error, the slave node terminates the current task of the job. The slave node is now disconnected from the master node. The master node deletes the proxy credential for the user instance and all other information related to this user instance. The connection of the master node to the slave node is also cut down. The last phase of the security process as well as the user job is completed.